My Word for 2015

magicalI’ve been giving thought for about a week to what my word for 2015 will be. I had read some postings about it on Facebook and another author who encouraged her readers to think about a word they wish to carry them through 2015.

Last week I also did some new SoulCollage (R) cards because I had run across an image of “dancing trees.” I just knew it had to go on a card, which I did above and then added the other elements as you see.

Then yesterday someone mentioned the word magical. In in instant, I knew that was my word! And I knew just which image represented how I feel about it. Don’t you love it when things like this come together?

As I look at this image I collaged and think about the word magical, for me it represents something that is bigger than me in this world. The places and spirits I can’t always see, but know they are here for me to lean on as my guides.

The magic in a simple and meaningful life which brings me so much joy. The magic in the wisdom Gidget and Kylie share with me not in words but in feelings of deep love.

The magic in the sun setting and rising again. The magic in being authentically me – that when I am, I feel just like the dancing tress – free to be me!

The magic in listening to my inner wisdom and oh, the beautiful places it takes me when I pay attention.

Another word defining magical is enchanting. While we can’t just twitch our noses and hope for magic to appear in our lives, we can look for the magical in simple pleasures, and that I find, so enchanting.

Because it is how it makes me feel inside when I take the right path on this adventure, just “a tourist passing through” (as author Rick Warrens says) — it’s in those moments when I just know my life is right and the days flow with ease. That to me, is magical.

Early on in my life, I didn’t understand this, and my life was all about striving, achieving and proving my worth. But now that I’ve become a bit wiser and see the magical in the ordinary, it is what I want as I move through the rest of my years and days on this planet.

Have you thought about a word you want to be yours for 2015?  If not, I hope this encourages you to think of one. When you do, let me know what it is. I’d love to hear!

Speaking of magical!  Magic happens for me when I create, and I’m busy behind the scenes updating some sections of my website. I hope you like my new banner, which I decided to share right away as I just couldn’t wait until the rest was updated.

As always, feel free to leave a comment…I welcome it!