
MySpace.Calm is something I wish my creative self had come up with.  But, I have to give credit where credit is due.  My husband, John came up with the name for my sacred writing space.  Cute huh?…. MySpace.Calm.  I love it!  I will be making some sort of sign that will hang above my front door with that saying written on it.  Just reading the words calms me… as I write this post, my files and papers are scattered all over the kitchen table.  Yikes!… I feel a bit unorganized not having a place of my own.  But, at the same time, I am happy to report the progress on my children’s book continues… with or without MySpace.Calm.

MySpace.Calm is still in the developing stages as you can see in the photo.  John has spent two Sundays plus one Holiday working on it… he is making great progress!  The beams which will support my space need to be made and then the “barn raising” will take place.  Plans are to have all the pieces of the puzzle made and then bring in the JT Construction crew to raise the walls.  Oh, won’t that be a sight!  I anxiously await this glorious day.

Until then I take note from my little Frankie and don’t let any challenge stand in my way as I continue working on her children’s book.  We are more than half way through illustrations and final edit is soon to be complete.  Printer is chosen… whew… what a journey so far…. and remarkably rewarding.  Maybe once MySpace.Calm is complete I will actually be able to just sit, breath and relax… will see!