Mystery Solved. But the Guilty Party Not Fessing Up.

mitten snatcherKylie is truly one of the sweetest dogs ever. Though she didn’t inherit all the typical Lab qualities such as playing fetch, swimming, or hunting, she is the best, most cuddly “big ole bear” ever. She also has a mischievous side about her.

I keep my mittens on the second shelf of a small table next to our kitchen table so they are easily accessible. They’ve been there since the beginning of December.

The last few days I’ve come into the kitchen to find them lying either in the middle of the floor or on the bed that Kylie and Gidget share which is also in the kitchen.

Each time I’ve picked them up and put them back on the shelf, wondering how in the heck they got to the middle of the kitchen. You’d think I’d be smart enough by now to know what’s going on. I’m a work in progress. What can I say?

Yesterday the mystery of my mittens were once again in the kitchen lying on the dog bed.

It finally dawned on me (stay with me here – my blonde hair gets in the way now and then) as I witnessed just then Kylie squeezing her body in between the big table and little one, snout sniffing out the second shelf.

“Aha!”  I said. “You! You are the one whose been snatching my mittens from the shelf!”

Ever so slowly she backed out, head hanging down as she slinked her way toward the bed. Along the way she picked up her favorite stuffed toy, Lambchop.

She had the gall to sit her sweet little butt down upon the bed right in front of my mittens, her puppy dog eyes really playing up the scene now and is if to say, “Oh, how could you?  How could you think me, your sweet dog, the one you call “big ole’ bear” and love with all your heart—how could you possibly think it was me?”

“Not confessing are you, Kylie? Well, okay then. But I’m on to you. I just want you to know that.” I was chuckling the whole time I said it as I reached over to pat the top of her head.

And just so you know, I’ve gotten smarter since the last episode last night and my mittens are now on the top shelf of the table. I might not be able to teach my old dog, Kylie new tricks, but this old dog is catching on.