A New Morning Ritual.

Whether we consciously realize it or not, we all have some sort of ritual in the mornings. But perhaps some don’t think of them in this way as we can tend to be on automatic pilot.

For me, I try to move through my morning in a more conscious way now. Though yes, I still have my days where I’m more on automatic pilot. I don’t often have Good Morning America on anymore, which used to be an everyday thing for me. Now I prefer the peace and quiet – or soft music playing.

I find that the quiet or soft music, plus the rituals I have in place, which can vary each day, set a foundation for my day.  My newest ritual, thanks to this lovely gift  from my mom, is a crystal singing bowl.

It’s on a table in my Zen writing cottage and while I just got it, I can already see this will be something I’ll want to do each day. On mornings I do Yoga I will light my candle and then play the singing bowl before going to my mat. Just thinking about this makes me feel grounded and calm. It is, in itself a meditation.

And to me that is what ritual is all about – it’s being in more conscious awareness of how we start and then move through our days – and for me, ritual helps set this in place and also serves as a reminder when my days are hectic or might be stressful.

Hope you enjoy this short video of the sound of my singing bowl — of course it sounds even better in person, and the full view out my writing cottage only adds to the good vibes!

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