On Leaving. On Staying.

On Leaving. On Staying.

The other night I was gone for awhile so John was in charge of looking after Kylie and Gidget – not that they need much looking after. When I walked through the front door a few hours later this is the sweet scene I was met with. John said they snuggled like this the whole time I was gone, which of course melted my heart.

As we get ready to head out Wednesday morning to Tennessee for a long overdue vacation in our van we’ve converted to a camper (well, phase one is done!) I’m glad that Kylie and Gidget can make the trip with us. While it has caused some extra effort getting everything packed for them (meds, food, leashes, blankets, beds, kennels, etc.) and then adjusting as we make the trip, I’m sure, it reminds me to be patient, and go with the flow.

While I love going on vacation, I am a homebody also. It is effort to go on vacation, let’s face it, but I know we will have a good time, and I really am excited about this trip. But then yesterday afternoon I had the urge to re-arrange our living room, which I wasn’t planning on doing until we returned.

After it was arranged in what I call our “winter” look with the sofa and over-sized chair centered around our wood stove, I sat down and a delicious warm, cozy feeling overcame me. It felt like my little house was wrapping its loving arms around me, whispering in my ear, “don’t go.”

And I was torn about leaving and staying. But alas, I can’t be in two places at once. And this is the beauty of leaving…coming home again and appreciating even more what home means to me. But also in leaving and seeing what is happening out in the world that inspires me and refills my creative well.

I won’t be blogging while we are gone but will likely post some photos on my Facebook and Instagram pages if you’d like to check it out.

As for me, back to my list and last minute preparations while John finishes up making a make shift bed for us and getting everything in order so come tomorrow we can begin (creatively) packing the van, making the beds, and taking care of any last minute details. 

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