One of My Favorite Questions

When I visit school’s with Frankie one of my favorite questions I get asked is:  “What is your favorite thing about being an author?”

Wow – that is such a big question. There is so much I love about it! One thing I love is sharing Frankie with kids and knowing Frankie has a positive affect on them. It is very rewarding seeing all the smiles of the kids as they come by to pet Frankie after my presentation.

Another wonderful thing, which I was reminded of today when I checked the mail – is thank you letters from kids we have visited. You might be surprised at how many school’s actually don’t send thank yous. It seems a lost art, which is such a shame. But when I do receive them, like I did today, it instantly warms my heart. I have a pretty big collection of thank yous that I’ve saved and they are like treasures of gold to me.

Today’s thank you cards came from Shepherd of the Hills Catholic School. I can hardly wait to curl up in my big red chair later, with Frankie and a good glass of wine, and read the cards. No doubt I will find my eyes misting over with tears… as they always do when I read cards and letters from kids. One of my favorite things about being an author… indeed!