One of those Days…and then Buddha Dog Comes Along.

2014-03-31 14.33.34 12It’s been a good day today, really. Just one of those days where I wonder how I will ever get it all done.

We’ve made some changes to our life lately. Our life does not look the same as it did last year, or even six months ago. John is now working back on the job site more often. We are down to one full time guy from three we had a year ago. One having moved onto a different field of work, and the other with another construction company.

It’s funny how the Universe will support you in your thinking. John had been giving thought for quite sometime that if one or more of the guys quit he wouldn’t replace them. So often he found himself exhausted from trying to keep work for all three. So now here it is, a new way in which he will move forward. I must say, he’s been happier than he has been in a long time. This change seems to be a good fit for him.

John is the bread winner in our family. While I make a little extra spending money, I’m still getting my name out there with my books, which is a day by day work in progress.

To help support our finances as we re-did out budget this year, anticipating higher health insurance costs coming down the pipe soon for us, I’ve made some changes too.  For years, I had someone clean our house once a month so I could concentrate on my work. But to contribute to the household and save money, I’ve taken that responsibility back. It makes me feel better that I am contributing in this way to our life, just as John has had to make changes. I’ve also added back into my schedule doing the social media marketing for his business.

The wonderful thing about John is that he didn’t say I had to do these things – he knows how important my writing and my mission is to me. It was my idea and choice. But one thing I’ve always been so grateful in my marriage is that we always talk things through and we work together.

So I’m glad to be writing about this today as I was feeling a bit overwhelmed looking at my list of “to-do’s”  today realizing two things aren’t going to get accomplished. I started to feel myself get stressed about it.

Then along came Buddha dog, Gidget, who looked up at me as if to say, “It’s okay. Tomorrow is another day. You will get it done. You always do.” Her sweet eyes beckoned me to pick her up and hold her.

As I did, I felt the tension leave my shoulders. Her wise wisdom spoke to my heart that taking time for each other and loving each other is what matters. The rest will all work itself out.

Tomorrow is another day to begin again… and a reminder to keep close in my heart what truly matters. My amazing husband, our quaint little house, our dogs, our health, and that spring is on its way.