Our Gentle Center

Our Gentle Center

When life has been stormy or uncertain, Kylie has been the rock that is our center. It seems she happily took this role on as her own since the day we brought her home from a breeder in Tennessee almost eleven years ago.

The older she gets, the harder it is to know we are closer to a goodbye than ever before. Though I do hope we have many more years with her.

I try not to dwell in that space of “someday” too often. But I know that when I do it’s my way of processing what will inevitably be.  In a way, I think whether we are conscious of it or not, little by little we begin to prepare ourselves as best we can.

But I’m reminded when Kylie’s tail wags and she looks at me with her soft, brown eyes, pulling me deep into her soul, that there is much joy to yet be shared.

So I hug her tighter, tell her more often I love her, and learn once again to live in the moment — because its all we really have.

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