Quote of the Day

"Animals are not our property or possessions, therefore, but our peers and fellow travelers.  Like us, they have their own likes and dislikes, fears and fixations.  They have plans and purposes as important to them as our plans are to us."  –Gary Kowalski, from Soul of the Animals.

In looking through my quotes about animals, I have many by Gary Kowalski.  It has been quite sometime since I have read his book, but obviously by the many quotes I wrote in my dog quote journal, he has had an affect on me.

You will often hear me say that I believe Frankie truly found her purpose through her paralysis.  And how lucky I am to have her as my fellow traveler who helped me find my purpose, so as a team we can do what matters to us both.  I tell children that we are the Techel-Teckel Team and they giggle.   I remember years ago after I got Frankie, my husband gave me a book on dachshunds.  That is when I discovered one of the nicknames in Germany for dachshunds is Teckel.  Well, it became even more fascinating to me this past year as we have embarked on sharing our story with others.  I am always so proud to say we are the Techel-Teckel Team. I'm so grateful Frankie's plans happened to include me and we are traveling this part of our journey together.