From The Enchanted Map oracle deck by Colette Baron-Reid
And here we gooooo…into the last week of September!
I have an oracle reading for you to kick off the week and one I think is packed with lots of good stuff.
As I’ve begun production for my lastest memoir – which is about how animals helped me on my healing journey of working through a childhood wound – what I came to understand is that we are always healing on some level. It’s why I believe we are here on the is earth – to continue to evolve.
The world around us, which includes the vast cosmos, is here to guide us – providing us clues, signs, and messages along our journey.
So I asked the cards: What is it we most need to know as we each continue on our healing journey’s?
The card I pulled: “Heal the Ouch.”
I love that the card I pulled has two animals represented on it — because not all the cards in this deck have animals on them— and wasn’t I just sharing how animals helped me on my healing journey?
Looking at the card I first noticed the flower the raccoon is holding. This speaks to me that being in touch with nature is of great benefit as we continue to take steps on our healing journey. A walk in nature can be so soothing to a soul that is working through a challenge.
The raccoon reaching out to comfort the fox speaks to me of being on the recipient end when you are on your healing journey. To be open to asking for support and then receiving that help with grace and gratitude.
The raccoon is nocturnal and a reminder that when we are working on healing wounds the importance of going inward and spending time in silence. This is where the answers to how we move forward can then find their way to the surface to guide us.
Raccoons also wash their food in water before they eat it. I see water as symbolic to our emotions and the importance of feeling all our emotions so we can cleanse them and live with more peace within.
Raccoons are also curious by nature inviting us to invite curiosity on our healing journey instead of always living in fear. The fact that it looks like they wear a mask is another invitation to begin to look at why we wear certain masks and how we can begin to take steps to reveal more of who we are.
Fox is a creature we only see in the dawn and dusk and they too are also nocturnal. I see this as speaking to getting more comfortable with the space “in-between” and also trying not to worry so much about what is ahead – but trusting in the unknown.
Lastly, turning to the guidebook the line, “forgiveness is the healer of the soul” jumped out at me. It’s about forgiveness not only of other’s and the role they may have played in our wounding, but also forgiveness of ourselves for those times we thought we “should’ve or could’ve” and instead, begin to be gentle and kind toward ourselves as we continue to walk our path of healing.
And as always, if I can be of support to you and an area of your life you may be feeling stuck, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. In my one-to-one oracle reading and guidance sessions (link below to learn more), I always pull an animal card at the end of the reading as your personal guide to help you move forward so you don’t feel alone. I’m always inspired by the animals that present themselves!
Enjoy your week!
Click here to learn more and book a private oracle reading with me.