Refreshing the Well with Like-Minded Souls

20140923_112743 eAfter a very busy day yesterday promoting, sharing and celebrating National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day, which I’m THRILLED to share raised $1,400 for The Frankie Wheelchair Fund, I got to chill out with friends, Lisa and Katy today for tea and then lunch.

So, I know… you are wondering, which is Lisa and which is Katy? They are both beautiful souls and Katy is the curly haired one.

I’ve known of Lisa for quite some time as she took my author photo for my book, “Through Frankie’s Eyes.” I then also was in the Artist Way Workshop with her two years ago.

But today, I got to know her even better. I think I’ve talked before on my blog about what I call “surface talk.” Where you just kind of talk about ordinary things like the weather, life in general, etc. Talks like that are okay, but never fill me up.

I love deeper, soul enriching talks and that was exactly what Lisa and I had today. Talks where you walk away not feeling alone in how you feel so deeply about life, wanting more, and wanting to leave the world a better place. Lisa is that kind of beautiful soul.

Talking with Lisa today was another confirmation of me of who I am and where I want to continue to travel in my own life. I love when that happens. It’s not like we figured everything out with some challenges we face, because heck, whoever can! But we are two women on a similar path and it was so refreshing and fulfilling to share our thoughts together.

And the bonus? Having her sweet, little Katy join us who I believe, if I remember correctly, is 14-years old. I just love her darling little face and sweet personality. I couldn’t help but think of Katy listening to Lisa and I talk and if she could tell us in words, she would tell us continue to follow our hearts.

Because, well, you know, dogs already have this all figured out.