She Likes it! She Likes it!

gidget in stroller first time eI’m happy to report that Little Miss Gidget loves the stroller that was Frankie and Joie’s before her. With the fact that she is a walking IVDD dog, I wasn’t sure she’d want to be in a stroller. She tires after about a 1/2 mile walk when I walk her, so for longer ones I’m so glad she likes riding in the stroller. This stroller sure has put on the miles!

It was a beautiful day yesterday so I took two of my books I needed to mail and we walked and strolled to the post office which is a little over a mile.

I did attach a leash to her harness vest and tied it to the side of handle of the stroller. It was a good idea because when she saw birds and a squirrel she wanted to run after them. So this kept her safe and secure. She is a true doxie at heart!

This weekend I hope to get my bike out and introduce Gidget to that too. I have a hunch she is going to be a great front riding basket dog.  SQUEAL!