Sheic Space- Create a Delicious Work Space

Don’t you just love that… “create a delicious work space?”  I’m a big believer in creating beauty around me that will inspire and help me be the best I can be.

One of my inspirations is a life coach, Diane Krause-Stetson, who I coached with almost 5-years ago (I can’t believe that has already been 5-years!).  Her office space, which she dubbed her “Treehouse” really got me fired up about wanting a space of my own someday.

It was so thrilling to finally get my own creative space after I wrote my first children’s book.  Diane was the one who alerted me to Angee Robertson of Sheic Space who has an exciting newsletter which features a different woman and the space they thrive in each month (see the issue MySpace.calm was featured in).  It was so exciting to be in one of Angee’s issues talking about “MySpace.calm.”  Well, now I will be on her new radio show and it will air on February 11th!  I hope you can tune in.  I have always been so inspired by other artists and writers and where they create, so to actually have my own space and to talk about this space that is truly me, will be so fun.
