Special Needs Pet Feature of the Week: Gabbi

What is your pets name? 

Gabrielle (Gabbi) S. Carolina

How old is your pet? 

15 ys. this past Oct.  2010

Where did you get your pet? 

Came from shelter in South Carolina thru DRNA (rescue).  Former owner had broken her back.

What is your pets physical challenge? 

Paralyzed from abuse.

What is your pets favorite thing to do? 

‘Nurse’ on doggy stuffed toy, or blanket, or bedding, or whatever.   Stress reliever for her.

What is your pets favorite thing to eat?


What do you love most about your pet?  

Personality (tho’ can be aggravating @ times!!) b/c she is going to be sure you know she is ‘present & alive’!!

What has your pet most taught you? 

Patience & deeper love for special needs.

Anything else you’d like to share?

Gabbi was always a ‘tough little cookie’, which is prob. how she survived until she was rescued from prev. owner.  Now @ 15+ yrs. of age, sad to see the aging changes, as she was always so Alive & Vocal!!   Gotta love her tho’!


***If you care for a special needs pet and would like your pet featured, please email me through my website contact. Send a photo and I will forward the questionnaire for your pet to be featured in an upcoming post.***