Sweet Baby!

Isn’t this little guy (or gal!) cute?

We heard quite a bit of squawking going on by Mama and Papa Cardinal.  Here their little one had flown the coop— right into our garage.  We let nature take its course as Papa C flew into the garage, talking in bird tweets telling little one to scurry on home.  Mama C was near by and waited patiently.  She was saying, “No sense in getting all upset.  This too shall pass.”  Soon enough little one had it figured out and hopped outside where I was able to snap this shot.  Mama C flew behind urging little one ahead and to the safe return of the nest.  For about an hour afterward Papa C continued his banter at the top of our maple tree in our front yard.  Men, huh?

I felt quite helpless as I watched little one navigate in the big world around him.  But, I knew I had to let nature be and all would work out just fine, which it did.  Whew!