animal reiki

To the Sea – You and Me

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There we were. Me in my big, floppy periwinkle hat, sitting in the sand, my knees hugging my chest. In the space between my thighs and chest, is you, peeking over the top of my knees, with the brim of my hat acting as an umbrella over your soft, petite head.

The sun is setting as we gaze out into the ever darkening sea. The waves gently lapping up to touch my toes every few moments.

Something about the water as if spirits are dancing on the waves reminding us that we are all connected. We can visit this inner place any time we want whether sitting on the beach, out for a walk, lying in bed, or wherever. It’s always there.

Each time this has happened, I feel this warm glow of knowing rise up in me. It makes me smile. We don’t speak, yet we know there is something real happening between us that needs no words.

This last week I began practicing what I was trained in a few years ago, which is Reiki. It means spiritual or universal energy. Practicing Reiki, which is like a meditation, is holding the space for another to accept and take (or not), whatever it is they wish for their own healing.

Miss Gidget has been the recipient of my practicing this again. And the last three days I find us on the beach as I described above during the Reiki session.

At first, like our minds always try to do, I tried to analyze it. Why are we on the beach? Why does this scene keep popping in my head? Were we once there together in another lifetime? Am I crazy? Why have I pictured this scene three days in a row now?

But then I let it go and sink down into my heart. This is the place I want to be. This place of no explanation. This place of feeling loved, safe and secure. And this is the gift. Not only to me, but to Gidget as well.

This is our connection – a bond between you and me that is ours and only ours – and it is real- and beautiful.

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Reiki with Joie is Reminding Me–No Expectations

joie reversed 594Over the weekend I got this photo of Joie while holding her in my lap sitting in my adirondack chair. I reversed the camera on my ipad to snap this shot. I love this photo of her.

I realized over the weekend, holding her often, that she seems more relaxed in my arms lately.  I thought back to when she first arrived last October and how rigid she would be when I tried to cuddle with her.  As we sat around the chiminea Friday and Saturday night she seemed to melt more into my arms.  It felt wonderful.

She has also started something new when I snuggle with her each morning.  She lays on our bed while I put my make up on and curl my hair. When I’m done I sit with her for a moment and pet her, telling her how much I love her. As I did this the last few times, she has now begun to roll onto her side with her little front leg in the air.  I feel like it is a sign of trust and she is opening herself more to me.

To date I’ve done seven Reiki sessions with her. Letting go of any expectations. This is what Reiki teaches. To allow yourself to be open to the energy and to let it work for the good of not only me, but for Joie as well.

As I did Reiki today, I sat in my wicker chair in my writing cottage. I have a harder time sitting on the hardwood floor with my legs crossed for the twenty minutes without my knees hurting.  Joie was curled under her blanket on the rug by the door.  When the session was done I opened my eyes to see her snuggled in her bed, fast asleep. I smiled and was deeply moved as this is a good sign that she was completely relaxed.

I am reminded each time I do Reiki to let it do whatever it is meant to do. I have no control. Letting go of that is not always easy. I find my mind racing, wanting answers and wanting Joie to feel the best she can feel— now.  But it does not work that way.  Just as in life, we have to let go and be open. I am a work in progress.

Letting Go of Expectations


This past weekend I completed my Reiki II training. It was fascinating and intriguing. For those of you unfamiliar with Reiki it is a Japanese method of energy healing. Rei means universal (or higher source, God, etc) while ki means energy. I took my Reiki II training from Ann Noyce who studied with Kathleen Praasad, founder of Animal Reiki Source.

Kathleen’s book Animal Reiki has many wonderful stories of how Reiki has helped animals with anxiety, healing from injuries, and transitioning.  Ann shared the beautiful story of how Reiki helped her when her dog, Amanda was dying. Though a challenge at first, Ann was able to focus on being there for Amanda recalling all the joy she had brought to her life, instead of getting lost in the sorrow of the impending death of Amanda.

One thing I found so intriguing about Reiki is letting go of expectations. Reiki knows where to send the energy to a person or animal and goes where it is needed most. As someone who just trained in Reiki, I can tell you letting go of expectations is something I’m going to have to work hard on. For those of us who love animals so deeply, we want the very best for them and will do all we can to make sure they are happy.  Reiki teaches us to let go of what we think the animal may need and trust that Reiki will do the healing.  I especially found this difficult when thinking about Reiki for my dog, Kylie.

We learned how to do remote Reiki healing and I chose Kylie to do this with. I had a picture of her with me as we began the remote healing. Letting go of what my expectations were that I thought she needs healing on was hard. For a long time I’ve felt guilt on and off for the abrupt change in our relationship when I had to care for Frankie. I’ve felt like the bond we had been developing broke then. Little by little I’ve been trying to rebuild that with her.  But I still see signs that I think contribute to us not being as close as Frankie and I are. I’ve thought a lot about his since the weekend and I keep going back to accepting what is with Kylie and letting go of what I think should come of the Reiki healing with her.

When I took my Reiki I training, I was told that Reiki is truly all about your own healing. I couldn’t grasp that. Now I get it. It is about my own healing. How often in life do we have all these expectations of ourselves, or family, or friends, or our pets?  I’ve been better at letting go of expectations of others and learned some great lessons of that this past holiday season – but now realize I must also apply that to Kylie.

When I think about the pets in our lives, I feel concerned for them and the expectations we have put on them. They often endure a heavy stress load, which is really our very own stress that we put on them. I don’t think most of mean to do this – but Reiki, as well as what I’ve learned the past few years from my own pets, has taught me to be more aware – and when we are aware we can give them a better life – and let go of expecations – which in turn deepens our bond with them.