
A New Creative Project Just for fun

A New Creative Project Just for Fun
Be sure to watch my mom’s “Joyful Pause” videos!

I was recently so inspired by two of my mentors, Dan Blank who helps creative professionals, and also Cynthia Morris who is an amazing illustrator, plus many other talents, that I wanted in too.

They have each begun doing more videos – Dan helping encourage creatives in various ways – and Cynthia doing videos on what she has dubbed “creative quickies.”

Of course, being a creative myself, I thought, hmmmmm, how can I be of inspiration and encouragement to others?

And so I began experimenting with what I call Joyful Pause moments via video. I did begin by calling them Meditative Moments, but then thought, dah, I should really call them Joyful Pause moments instead…it’s more in align with what I’m all about here!

Like I said…these are experiments, so “mistakes” will be made.

But it’s all about weaving more creativity into our lives and fits right in with learning to pause more often and insert moments of joy into our daily, busy lives–and as you know, much of that I’ve learned from the PAWS in my life with my dogs.

I hope you will enjoy the first three videos I’ve done. I will be updating the sideline of my website each time I post a new video for you to enjoy or you can also follow along on my YouTube channel if you wish, too.

Here’s to more Joyful Pause moments!

Waiting for My Goddess Painting to Reveal Her Name

Waiting for My Goddess Painting to Reveal Her Name
Waiting for My Goddess Painting to Reveal Her Name

Never did I think I’d paint. And more than that, I never thought I’d say I actually finished a painting!

But I finished this first Goddess in a series of three that I’m working on. They will hang on the long wall in my Joyful Pause Studio where I recently began teaching SoulCollage(r) workshops.

My painting teacher is someone I love dearly…my mom. When I emailed her the photo of my first complete Goddess, I also told her I’d started on the second one. She wrote back and said I should listen very closely and the Goddesses may share their names with me.

I loved it! It actually reminds me much about the SoulCollage(r) process which is also about listening intuitively and collaging images together that speak to you–which, in turn, helps us to better understand ourselves.

I shared with my mom that I’m taking her advice awaiting to hear what my Goddesses names may be. But all I got yesterday after painting for two hours on my second Goddess was hearing this from her:  My arms are too fat and I don’t like the color of my mid-section.

And then I heard my mom’s voice in my head:  It’s only paint and you can paint over it!

And I really wasn’t frustrated that I didn’t have it “right” yet. But it was an interesting thought because I wondered why I get so frustrated with my writing at times. Yet, I’ve not been with painting.

While it was initially scary to put paint to canvas in fear of making a “mistake” I feel better about knowing now I can just go over it with paint if I don’t like what I do.

And aha! Just like I can also delete sentences in my writing that don’t jive right either.

So, indeed, these dear Goddesses are talking to me… boy, are they ever! But, I do hope they will properly introduce themselves soon with their first names.

And ah, once again, a reminder that this is all part of the process. Just add in a bit of patience and perseverance and it all shall come together… just like writing a book or short story.

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My “She Shed” (A.K.A. Zen Writing Cottage) to Be Featured in Book

My “She Shed” (A.K.A. Zen Writing Cottage) to Be Featured in Book

I’m pretty excited to share that my “She Shed” or as I like to call it, my Zen Writing Cottage, will be featured in a book coming out in May 2016 from Affirm Press publishing.

I never, ever thought the day I decided I needed a space of my own that someday it would be in a book!

When the publisher contacted me a few weeks ago, I love what they said about their mission about this project, as it lines up with my philosophy.

“Through this project we’re hoping to celebrate women’s spaces and promote female creativity, artistry and design. This book could be both a comfort and an inspiration to women everywhere who aspire to design and create their own private spaces.”

I have no doubt this book will inspire many to start thinking of carving out a space of their own. Imagine how we can uplift this world with more creativity!

I can’t wait to see it in print and will keep you posted once it is available so stay tuned.

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