
My Morning Ritual Reveals a Christmas Message

IMG_2198As I shuffled in my slippers across the deck into my writing cottage this morning, it is dark as dawn slowly finds its way through the windows at its own pace.

Two candles I light as a way of inviting Spirit to be with me and opening myself to whatever message it is I need most to hear for the day.

My angel statue holding a heart in her hands — for those I love dearly and hold near to me just by my thoughts of them.

My stones of words that are reminders of how I want to live my life.

A rainbow tree drawing from a friend in the corner with a saying I’ve read each and everyday since I’ve gotten it:  “Peace comes with learning to let go and just be present.”

I find my way to my computer to play some soft music – Christmas tunes this time of year.

As I take my prayer stance before I begin my yoga practice I glance at the altar before me.

Many days messages and thoughts come to me that are gifts for my day.

Today I heard my Christmas message in my thoughts as I took in each word on my stones–

Pause. Capture. Listen. — to the sounds of the season upon us.

Pause to see what is right before you in this moment and reflect on memories that brought you here to this present time, wiser than you were before.

Capture each sound. Capture each emotion. Capture each feeling. Capture each heartbeat in your chest as a reminder of how precious life is.

Listen for the church bells that ring, the laughter of children giddy with excitement, the whisper of snow that falls to the ground, and the sleigh bells in the distant of a horse carriage ride.

Just. Be. You. — sometimes holidays can be challenging with family dynamics, but remind yourself to be you… magnificent, beautiful you. There is no one like you. The gift of you is important and needed.

Peace comes with learning to let go — forgive yourself for anything you feel you didn’t do well. Let go of what you can’t change. Find peace for what was and what will be.

Joy — my favorite message of all for the abundant meaning of it contained in just three letters. Joy for the moment. Joy for the day. Joy for my life and all its many blessings. Joy for this magical season called Christmas.

Through my yoga poses I move with extra grace as if touched by a fairy dusting of love, peace, and joy that fills my heart full up and as my cottage magically becomes brighter with what can only be the holy Spirit shining its grace upon me.

I give thanks for this Christmas message from you dear Spirit.


Into the Solstice

20141220_164617Last night I did what I like to do as Christmas day draws nearer and the solstice is just about upon us — and that is to turn off all the lights in my living room, except for candles and holiday lights.

With Gidget snuggled beside me, I listened to Stille Nacht by Mannheim Steamroller and gazed into the candlelight and every now and then would look out into the dark of the night through the patio doors.

I thought about the year that is now almost complete and the new year that lay ahead. My eyes filled with tears for situations I wish were different and for those that are now safely tucked in heaven.

This little ritual feels cleansing to my soul of those things for which I can’t control, but find the courage to look for blessings in each of them.

I silently give thanks for all that is beautiful and good in my life — of which I have so very much to be grateful for.

It is also a reminder of how short we truly have here on earth – truly just a blip in time. A reminder to live as fully as I can from what it is that calls out to my heart.

Those few moments of sitting in the quiet I feel the Spirit of Christmas flood my soul and look forward to the light that will slowly make its way to back to earth as I move through another season of my life.

I “stole” this quote from my friend Dawn’s newsletter as I thought it so perfect for the Solstice…

by David Whyte
“Rest is the conversation between what we love to do and how we love to be.”Rest is not stasis but the essence of giving and receiving…

“To rest is to give up on worrying and fretting and the sense that there is something wrong with the world unless we put it right…

“To rest is to fall back… to a different kind of meeting place,
a living, breathing state of natural exchange…”

As always, feel free to leave a comment…

Hoirzons4Girls & Gidget: The Christmas Spirit in Action.

rn 2As if I was almost swept back in time, visiting the rooms of residents at Rocky Knoll nursing home, I had sweet flashbacks of my work with Frankie when she was a therapy dog.

Though we didn’t visit Rocky Knoll, except for one occasion via a special request, we did visit on a monthly basis, a senior assisted facility, hospice, and our local hospital for over three years.

This special visit on Saturday, with Miss Gidget as my sidekick, we had the special opportunity along with Horizons4Girls to take part in delivering 72 dozen cookies and much joy to those in need. It filled my heart with what the Christmas Spirit is all about.

Miss Gidget made a special appearance as my sidekick, and the smiles she brought to many of the residents was absolutely priceless. I say “special appearance” because Gidget isn’t a registered therapy dog. But for this special occasion she was allowed to be a part of this mission helping the girls be of service in their community.

The above and below photos are three of my favorite from our visit. More photos are in an album I created on Facebook to mark this beautiful day.

**A VERY SPECIAL and GRATEFUL THANK YOU to all who sponsored cookies to help us complete this mission. You are all angels too in helping us make this a reality.**

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 As always, I welcome your comments…