
Out of the Shadows – A Call to Life. (Blog Edition)

Out of the Shadows - A Call to Life

It’s been awhile! But here I am once again and happy to be back.

Two weeks ago John helped me replant the honeysuckle that wasn’t getting any sunlight where it was located due to a hydrangea tree that when in full bloom casts a shadow, blocking it from the sun.

Last weekend as I weeded the garden, I was thinking about what I wanted to share with you today, giving thought to a title for this post. When I looked up, I saw Gidget peering out from behind the honeysuckle’s new home and it came to me – Out of the Shadows. A Call to Life.

Spring—a time of rebirth which nature so beautifully reflects for us that we too will go through rebirths of our own. And so it was for me and the reason for my absence from my blog.

As has been the case oftentimes the last thirteen years, dogs have been a reflection for me in helping me understand more about myself. 

When I adopted Gidget in 2013 I recall the first months of her living with us how I began referring to her as my Buddha dog. There was something very deep and wise about her.  While I couldn’t define why that really was, it was just something I sensed. And recently, that was about to become more clear.  Though it would require much inner work and facing some shadow aspects of myself.

At the height of it all the last two months, my world was filled with great angst, chaos and darkness. As someone who tries to always see the positive in life, this was a scary and unfamiliar place for me. At times, it felt like a tornado bent on destruction and was the most intense emotional pain I’d experienced before. Oftentimes I’d find myself in a space of feeling like I’d hit my threshold and I just couldn’t cope—and especially when dealing with chronic issues with Gidget when I felt this most.

I love, respect and appreciate animals deeply and feel such gratitude for all they’ve taught me. So the feelings of anger and resentment I was having toward this sweet being was very difficult to understand and I felt so much guilt and shame. At times I really felt like there were two people inside of me

But this was a clear warning signal that there was something here I needed to deal with. Though like many, we’ve been conditioned to just push down our wounds and fears which so often we carry with us from childhood – and the thing is, we all have some type of wounding. Though it can often be buried in our subconscious until something triggers it, or shows up as repeated patterns in our lives. 

While the details of my childhood wounds may be different from yours, what is important to me in sharing my recent deep dive into my fear and pain, is for you to know that you matter and your pain matters, too. Time and time again in conversations with other women I’ve heard them dismiss, or try to minimize their pain, stating that “so and so” is worse off than they are —as if their pain isn’t worthy or that it matters. This isn’t to minimize at all horrific experiences some have endured during childhood, but instead to say that this experience has taught me even more about empathy, and that most of us carry emotional wounds from our childhood. 

Our pain and deep hurts are signposts to guide us, to see them for what they are, to release them, integrate them, and open to a new way of witnessing ourselves – and that as the truly beautiful and caring souls we are, no matter our past.

Our pain also need not define us. When this happens we can get caught in victim mode and again, sometimes we aren’t even consciously aware of this. But what if instead we could approach our wounding as part of our journey to something greater for our lives? If we heed the call to look at the wounds and trust it will be worth the effort, it can help guide us to a new awareness and a deeper sense of peace.

I now understand this even more intimately. I also understand this isn’t an easy thing to do having just gone through an intense couple of weeks facing my own pain and fears. But I can say that by embracing all my emotions about my own childhood hurts and really feeling all of them, I feel freer than I’ve ever felt before.

With support from an animal communicator, a pet companion counselor and a depth psychologist who specializes in dream therapy, I fully immersed myself into all my feelings I’d kept buried, especially resentment, anger, and shame.

Gidget was acting as a reflection for me which the animal communicator helped me to understand – though I’ll be honest, I found it quite challenging in the beginning because I kept trying to grasp it from my mental state of being.

I’ve also never been one to remember my dreams or capture them for that matter, but since the beginning of the year I’d written down about eight different dreams I’d had. Gidget, and my dreams, were working hard to help guide me. Once I found the courage to really look at it all, a new awareness began to emerge.

While there are many paths I’ve walked over the years, and all instrumental, to where find myself where I am today with this new and welcome perspective, it’s my relationship with Gidget that I reflect on with deep gratitude for the part she played in helping me (this is something I’ll be expanding on in a book I’m currently working on). For now, I’ll share that Gidget has more than earned her new title that I relish in calling her which is, The Divine Miss G (think Bette Midler – The Divine Miss M).

The Divine Miss G

As I moved through this challenging time with a foundation of support, I gently reminded myself that I am a loving and compassionate person as I carefully navigated the many walls and doors I was afraid to look at within my psyche. While my fear had kept me in a prison that had me questioning my own mind at times, I no longer wanted to carry what felt like a cement block around my heart. I also knew it was important to forgive the parts of myself that were only trying to protect me the best they knew how.

The little girl inside me was crying out to be heard and I wanted more than anything now to be there for her. She was finally able to have her say, while it was important that I, as her loving guardian, watched over her and kept assuring her that no harm would come to her —and that she was safe and she was loved.

What I came to experience is that by embracing all my emotions, feeling every one of them – especially the difficult ones that as “good girls” we are taught they are “bad” to have – I was able to see them for what they were acting as a guide to help me move beyond my fear. I was able to integrate my emotions and gain more clarity. My coping skills improved immensely and I’m finding so much joy again in the simple things.

I’ve learned that by lovingly exploring my soul, not only was I granted more compassion for myself, but I also opened a deeper channel of empathy and a reminder to be more mindful of those walking beside me who likely have fears of their own.

Even though I may not personally know the pain of those I come in contact with, it’s truly my belief that by continuing to be the best I can be, accepting all parts of who I am, that I become more peaceful within and that by default affects those that cross my path – whether either of us consciously recognizes it in the moment or not. But when you find more peace within, you by default move through life with more ease and peace.

And so out of the shadows I am—and grateful for another opportunity for this call to life and to appreciate how precious this one wild life really is.

Thanks for listening!



Wisdom of Healing from Mourning Dove

By embracing love, instead of fear, we become an example of the compassion and strength needed to help change the world. Peace was never won with violence and faith has never been met with darkness. Let us share hope with others through our intention to make the world a better place, one moment and one action at a time. ~Louise Hay

I woke with a heavy heart today. As an empath, I have to be careful that I don’t surround myself with too much anger or negativity. It does not mean that I’m ignorant to what is transpiring in our world, but in order for me to be my best self and serve the greater good in what I believe can add to the world in a positive way, I have to not get caught in a downward spiral of anger or fear.

And this means sometimes separating myself from the anger and fear, and doing the work I need to do to keep myself in balance. I don’t always remember to do this and can get caught up in the fear of which I found myself beginning to spiral down into this morning.

Lost is this whirl of emotions I was feeling, I glanced out onto my deck to see two mourning doves. To me, they represent love and peace – and my heart lightened realizing this powerful message that I needed to be reminded of in that moment.

Researching further into their symbolism I found this:  But far from representing death, the symbolism of mourning doves gives us optimism with its spirituality. Beyond their sorrowful song is a message of life, hope, renewal and peace.

While there is so much poison of fear being spread wide and far these days, I still hold onto hope, even when it’s hard, and I feel it quite heavy in my heart, and all I want to do is not function.

I had a choice this morning – I could let my heavy heart lead for the day – or I could work through my feelings to help them to begin to shift. The mourning doves were that needed symbol for me.

Taking a moment to expand on this, I sat down and picked two oracle cards for the day, plus one of my SoulCollage® cards. They were further confirmation of what I needed in working through all my feelings.

From The Nature-Speak Oracle – Rose – Love & Healing:  The appearance of rose, indicates an opening of the heart and the ability to touch the hearts of others. Your ability to express love now has great healing potentials – for yourself and others.

From Wisdom for Healing – Observe Your Conversations: Observe the conversations you engage in today. Are they productive or mean-spirited? Are they filled with gossip or stimulating information? Your goal: to recognize the quality of information you feed your mind each day.

My SoulCollage® card: This card represents peace and honor to me. Striving for peace and honoring that in myself and helping others to find that within themselves, which means I have to (and want to) be that example.

While I kept gradually shifting back into the space of my own truth and what I believe, yet another sign appeared from a friend who posted this image this morning saying: This is the month of love. I’m tired of all the anger and I think the we need more love!

And so it is.

Thank you for sharing and subscribing to my blog updates.

Orlando. What Can I Do?


I told myself I wasn’t going to watch the news this morning. I knew of the Orlando tragedy yesterday, but not many details. Watching the news, I didn’t feel was going to help or change anything.

But I felt compelled to turn on Good Morning America this morning wanting to know more. As I sat at my vanity getting ready, I heard many voices sharing their accounts of what my mind can’t even begin to wrap itself around. I also heard what they were sharing about what each politician said, or didn’t say, or shouldn’t have said.

I started to cry. What can I do, I thought? I’m one small human sitting here in my home so tired of all the hate in the world. And tired is a light word really, because this feeling reaches deep into my bones and my heart as a deep ache of sadness. And it is brought to the surface when a tragedy such as this happens yet again. It’s as if I hold my breath, praying with all my heart that these painful events won’t happen again. Because when they do, I feel helpless.

I don’t know the answer. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized I have to say how I feel. I have to do what I think is the right thing. I have to share my voice. Because I believe, that when we put positive energy out into the world it does make a difference. We need more to do the same.

And I turned to my Daily Word this morning after I turned off the news after a half hour because I could no longer listen. It was then that I had my answer of what I could do. I had to turn inward and do what I think will add a light to the world.

What really stuck out for me from reading Daily Word today was this:  “I am the voice of love, compassion, and respect.”

It became my prayer as I moved through my Yoga practice. As I held each pose I silently repeated, “Love. Compassion. Respect.” At the end of my practice I opened my hands like a lotus flower and deposited the words “Love, Compassion, and Respect” into them, then folding my hands inward to close the lotus flower capturing the words and actions we need to do which can heal the world. I then stretched my arms out in front of me until they were fully extended, I opened the flower once again and “let go.” Out into the world is my wish for Love, Compassion, and Respect to take a strong hold on each and everyone’s hearts.

Ending my practice, my hands folded in prayer I said out loud, “Namaste.” And I was moved to tears again. This…this is what we can each do…. we must do.


Nothing else has worked. We have to start at home, inside our own inner worlds. We have to find peace and light within ourselves. We have to begin with loving ourselves. Anyone who commits acts such as this recent tragedy cannot have love for himself to have done this.

I believe this with every fiber in my being that we must love ourselves to love another, have compassion and empathy for ourselves to have it for another, and to respect ourselves in order to respect those around us. And this means we have to all look inwardly and begin to work on our own stuff to begin to put these positive vibrations out into the world to help us all heal and find peace.

While I’m incredibly sad we are facing such a tragedy again, I’m grateful for the reminder of what is of utmost importance, and the work I need to yet do on myself so that I can vibrate more peace.

And this means I won’t be turning to the news for anymore updates, but instead turning to those that uplift and encourage me that love, compassion, and respect is the way. The only way. Because when I do, it’s when hope returns again, and peace resides within me.

Thank you for sharing and subscribing to my blog updates.