
Meet Davey: The 30th Dog Granted a Dog Wheelchair through The Frankie Wheelchair Fund

photo 2Another happy, happy day here at Joyful Paws headquarters! Meet Davey – the 30th paralyzed dog The Frankie Wheelchair Fund recently granted a wheelchair.

Davey was with Oregon Dachshund Rescue – but not for long before his new family came along to adopt him. And you know what is so great?  Davey has a new brother that looks just like him in that he too has wheels!

This is Mickey!

1426605_10151824291556242_558388138_nWhat a sweet and inspirational site it will be to see these two handsome wheelie fellows rolling down the street, don’t you think?

These two are in excellent care with their mom, BeBe who loves and adores these special dogs. I think she is pretty special too for not only caring for one, but now two!

***Wheelchair I recommend and work with for The Frankie Wheelchair Fund is Eddie’s Wheels.

Learn more about The Frankie Wheelchair Fund

You can learn more on our website, National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day where you can apply for funds or donate.

Joy in My Inbox.

20140905_135130I received the following email today that really touched me.

Dear Barbara,

I happened across your website about a week ago. I watched Frankie’s video & cried. Back in 2006, we (my roommate & I) went to Eddie’s Wheels for a cart for our tweenie doxie, Sassy. They are wonderful people. Our doxie passed away in 2007. Just recently I came across her cart. Actually, I always knew where it was, I just didn’t want to face it and her loss. Your website has given us the push to re-donate the cart back to them. We are driving there next week. (We live in Massachusetts). I already spoke to them and really examined the cart for any issues. It is in excellent condition. While I have other wieners at home, none of them are her size. Thank you, Barbara for the extra “push.” -Donna

I completely understand how hard it is to let go of something that was so much a part of their beloved doxie’s life — it becomes so much a part of them.

While for a few weeks after Frankie’s paralysis I couldn’t imagine her living the rest of her life in a wheelchair, it became just who she was. I didn’t see the wheels. I just saw a dog who was happy and living life to the fullest.

What a beautiful gift to give back as Donna will be doing in donating her doxie’s wheelchair back to Eddie’s Wheels to help someone else who may not be able to afford a wheelchair for their dog. I’m honored to be a part of the journey.

I still have Frankie’s wheelchair, which was adjusted to then fit Joie. But now it does sit empty in our spare room. For me, it will stay. I don’t know if Gidget may need it someday, so I hold onto it. But I know there will come a day when I will do the same as Donna is going to do. I will give it with joy knowing it will help another.

To Whom it May Concern.

20140824_124608Someone was awfully sneaky around our house early Friday evening.  John and I were outside on our deck enjoying an adult beverage. When I went in the house to refresh my beverage, I saw a bag hanging on the handle of the front door. I can’t believe the “gift bandit” didn’t get caught!

Tucked inside was this pretty dachshund scarf and colorful wiener dog cup. So, to whom it may concern I say a big thank you. I guess it is pretty obvious I adore dachshunds. To have this scarf and cup as part of my collection makes me smile. I especially love having the cup as my water glass now. Hard not to smile every time I take a sip of water!

As for my joyful pause moment photos this week, oh boy, did I slack on that this past week!  There have been many good things going on, so I guess I will just use the excuse that it was a joyful pause week.  But here are two moments I did capture. I see we now have a theme along with the scarf and cup!

20140817_154705 eWe had a rather cool Sunday last week, so I got out my dachshund slippers. Gidget approved!

20140819_142852 12Snuggle time with Miss G.