
Frankie’s Visit to Froedert Hospital


Froedert hospital is a big complex in a city about 1 1/2 hours from where we live.  We had a request from Lisa, to visit her Dad, Dick, who suffered his 2nd stroke three months to the day of recovering from his first.  He was admitted to the hospital on his 72nd birthday.  He was pretty down and out when Lisa called asking if I could bring Frankie for a visit.

Dick loves Dachshunds, as does Lisa and her family.  Corky is Dick’s 5-year old doxie buddy who is anxiously awaiting the return of Dick to his home. They live about 2 1/2 hours from Lisa, so Corky and Dick have formed quite a bond.  To be apart is hard on both of them.

As Frankie and I rolled through the many halls of the large hospital, as usually happens, we were met with many smiles, giggles, and “look at the dog in a wheelchair!”  We made our way to the 5th floor and rolled down to room 15.  Dick, Lisa, her husband, and set of 5th grade twin girls were awaiting our arrival.  As Frankie strutted through the open door, Dick looked down and smiled.

What a wonderful family!  You could feel the caring and love in that room and it felt good to be there to bring some more joy.  I placed Frankie on Dick’s lap, where she began her ritual of grooming his hands and arm.  The arm she chose to groom was Dick’s right arm, of which he currently has no feeling.  As the hour wore on and we talked there was a moment when Lisa said, “Dad, you just lifted your hand.  Did you feel that?”  He didn’t. But his hand did lift and lay back down.  I said, “Oh, that must be because of the Dachshund juice.”  All Frankie’s lovin’ just might have been the right medicine at the moment.  Hope he will recover and be reunited soon with his sweet friend, Corky.

It is continually a blessing to share Frankie with others, especially those that need a little extra caring and love at the moment… to see the smile of Dick, the joy in his daughter’s eyes, the love of a family holding each other together through a tough situation.  To be a part of that circle for a moment in time is an honor.

Frankie and I are praying for you, Dick!  Be strong and keep the faith!!  Oh, and Frankie says, “Arf-a-roo!”

Animal Talk Naturally Radio Show Hosting Frankie & a Preview of Her New Book!

Dr. Kim Bloomer and Dr. Jeannie Thompson will be hosting Frankie and I are their radio show, Wednesday, July 8th at 1:30p (CST).  We will be talking about Frankie’s NEW BOOK to be released early 2010, Frankie, the Walk ‘N Roll Therapy Dog Visits Libby’s House (check out the cover below!!)  Call in and ask us a question, 646-595-4693.  They will also have children’s author, Kevin Coolidge on who wrote, Hobo Finds a Home.

Here is the endorsement from Dr. Kim Bloomer about our new book:

Barbara Techel takes us beyond our human reasoning and limited sight by engaging our imaginations grounded in truth through the eyes of her little dog Frankie – who doesn’t allow her physical challenges to limit her purpose or her gift of healing to all those who come into contact with her. Into Libby’s House we roll with the wide-eyed innocence and charm only a little dog in wheels can claim with unabashed healing love for those who are broken in spirit and body. ~ Dr. Kim Bloomer, veterinary naturopath, author and host of Animal Talk Naturally