
Life in Sharp Focus

Life in Sharp Focus
My family. I love them.

It’s so easy to take life for granted. Then someone you know dies and life is put back into sharp focus again.

A teacher that John had in high school, who was also his wrestling coach, died in a car accident a few days ago. Someone blew a stop sign and ended his life. He was only 71.

How fast life can change. I think of my mom often with a similar situation, her husband passing away while up north last November. Never to walk through their front door again.

I try to remember to not take life for granted.

Sitting outside this lovely summer Sunday morning, Gidget and Kylie hanging out and my Johnnie with a cup of coffee in hand.

I sat on the front stoop and felt immense gratitude for my life with this little family of ours.

We live simply. We laugh often. We love deeply.

It’s all I ever want. And it’s something I remind myself is here for only a short time. So soak it all in and give thanks.

PS:  In case you are wondering what all the white/yellow fuzz is on the grass, well, that is Kylie’s fur. She is shedding like crazy lately. Many little Kylie tumbleweeds float through our house if I don’t keep up on combing her out. I love my time with just her when I brush her.  I think she likes it too.

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Risk. Truth. Courage

“Its hard to tell the truth, but once told, it’s hard to keep it back.” ~Sharon Green

My brother, 9-years younger than me, became a soldier at 38-years old. Joined the National Guards, quit smoking, went off to boot camp and followed his heart just last year.

A troubled young man for much of his youth – in what seems an instant,  he changed and went after what he wanted for his life. I couldn’t be more proud.

Our difference in age had me not much involved with his life- but it never meant I didn’t love him or care about him. We lived our own lives- finding our own way. That has always seemed to be an understanding between us.

Little did I know that by finding his courage to join the National Guards at what most would say was “too old” he would recently  help me build my courage to share some truth I had been holding in for quite some time.

A truth that was hard for me because I realized how deep it ran for me to  not want to disappoint others, but now facing full on that I had only been disappointing myself. It was, and still is, a hard place for me to be… but I’m beginning to see the light of some blessings that have come to light.

My “little” brother leaves for overseas soon, after the holidays, and will be gone for a year. Though the war is “officially” over it is still a risk. One he is willing to take for what he believes in. That risk he believes in led him to wanting to clear up other issues in his life before he leaves, which helped led me to clear some issues too. Though still painful for me, it is a gift, I realize… he helped me to speak my truth… which I can feel in time will only lead me down the road to more of who I am. I can feel it, but not quite see it, but I know it’s there. I truly believe he helped take me a step further in my evolution. For that I am grateful. Truly and deeply grateful.

My “little” brother who may have thought he didn’t have validation in what he had to say for so many years gave me another piece of courage to live more fully into what I want for my life. So I want to be sure to say thank you the only way I know how, which is through my writing. Thank you. Thank you. May God be with you as you travel afar and know you will be held tightly in my heart. Godspeed.

“This brings rest to my heart. I feel like a leaf after a storm, when the wind is still.” ~Petalasharo, Pawnee from 365 Days of Walk the Red Road, The Native American Path to Leading A Spiritual Life Every Day.”

Replay: How a Disabled Dog Teaches Children Goodness with Author Barbara Techel

Here is the replay of the interview I did with Deb Scott of The Best People We Know radio show. Deb is a fantastic radio host full of energy and enthusiasm.  Pass this radio show onto those that you know may need a shot of inspiration, or those that have a special needs pet, or teachers looking for a great program to educated their kids about differences and challenges.

Replay also available on itunes!