the best people we know

Replay: How a Disabled Dog Teaches Children Goodness with Author Barbara Techel

Here is the replay of the interview I did with Deb Scott of The Best People We Know radio show. Deb is a fantastic radio host full of energy and enthusiasm.  Pass this radio show onto those that you know may need a shot of inspiration, or those that have a special needs pet, or teachers looking for a great program to educated their kids about differences and challenges.

Replay also available on itunes!


Deb Scott, Host of The Best People We Know Radio Show Will Interview Author Barbara Techel


Deb Scott, author, certified professional coach, radio host, and motivational speaker changes lives with an ability to inspire individuals to transform the bad into good.

I’m excited that Deb will be interviewing me about the many lessons that my special needs dog teaches children.

When:  Tuesday, Novemeber 15th, 2011

Time:  10:00am CST, 11:00a EST

Where:  Blog Talk Radio– listen right on your computer or return another day to hear the replay if you can’t make it on the 15th.

To learn more about Barbara & Frankie you can find them many places on the web!

Joyful Paws Website

Barbara on Facebook

Frankie on Facebook

Frankie on Twitter

Barbara on Twitter

Barbara on LinkedIn