Life in Sharp Focus

Life in Sharp Focus
My family. I love them.

It’s so easy to take life for granted. Then someone you know dies and life is put back into sharp focus again.

A teacher that John had in high school, who was also his wrestling coach, died in a car accident a few days ago. Someone blew a stop sign and ended his life. He was only 71.

How fast life can change. I think of my mom often with a similar situation, her husband passing away while up north last November. Never to walk through their front door again.

I try to remember to not take life for granted.

Sitting outside this lovely summer Sunday morning, Gidget and Kylie hanging out and my Johnnie with a cup of coffee in hand.

I sat on the front stoop and felt immense gratitude for my life with this little family of ours.

We live simply. We laugh often. We love deeply.

It’s all I ever want. And it’s something I remind myself is here for only a short time. So soak it all in and give thanks.

PS:  In case you are wondering what all the white/yellow fuzz is on the grass, well, that is Kylie’s fur. She is shedding like crazy lately. Many little Kylie tumbleweeds float through our house if I don’t keep up on combing her out. I love my time with just her when I brush her.  I think she likes it too.

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