Daily Word

Animal Blessing

I subscribe to Daily Word and it always seems to be right on for me when I read it each morning.  I love starting my day by reading my daily inspiration.  Today’s entry was so great that I wanted to share it!

Animal Blessing

I celebrate life in all it’s expressions.

The words of a favorite hymn remind me to behold the wonder of animals as they contribute to wisdom and balance in the world:  “All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small, all things wise and wonderful:  the Lord God made them all.”

Watching the antics of a frisky kitten or a rambunctious puppy, I am reminded to play and enjoy myself.  Seeing a dog visit patients at a health care facility reminds me to affirm healing by my very presence.  A service animal guiding a sight-impaired individual shows me the value of helping others.

I appreciate and bless all animals by celebrating the sacredness of life in all its diverse expressions.

God made the wild animals of the earth of every kind… And God saw that it was good. -Genesis 1:25

Frankie below at a nursing home visit this summer.  Some of my most peaceful and thankful moments is when I share Frankie with the elderly.