Daily Word

Peace in the World Begins with Me

If there is one thing my dogs teach me over and over it is to live in this very moment and not worry about the future… and to be a compassionate human being.  I’m not one to really talk about politics and I’ll remain that way– but I will say the past week has caused me great angst and I know I’m not alone in that.  I’ve prayed that no matter the outcome the person elected will do what is right.  But I also believe it is up to each of us to contribute to peace in our own way.  So when I opened my Daily Word today this reminded me that it is so.  So I share it below as my way of beginning the peace for the world that does begin with me as my way of helping spread that peace.

Peace in the World Begins with Me

The journey toward world peace begins with me, right here and now. As I hold a vision of peace for this generation and next, I search for ways to contribute to a peaceful world. Everyone, including me, deserves to be accepted and treated with compassion. I consciously treat others with respect and kindness.

As changes in occur in my life, I honor my feelings and give myself permission to move through them gently, and I allow others to do the same. When someone I know is angry or upset, I honor their process. If I find myself being judgmental, I modify my thoughts and responses. I am kind, peaceful and loving toward others and myself.

Peace in the world begins with me.

Following the Light to Your Own Authenticity

As I’ve mentioned before, my time with God (instead of church – I’m not knocking church, but it just isn’t for me) is to read Daily Word. This little booklet has helped me immensely.

I was touched by today’s entry (below). How often we tend to think of success in terms of material things; how much money we may have, or friends. When we do this, then if we don’t measure up to what it seems society deems as “success” we then can feel like a failure.

I struggled for a long time with how I saw success in my heart, but it didn’t seem to match up to what is going on around me. When we live from others’ expectations of us we don’t live authentically – and then we only hurt ourselves.  We also tend to attract those into our lives that may not be right for us. But when we live authentically and from our hearts, it is quite the amazing thing to experience when you attract like-minded people into your circle and how good that feels.

Though at times, I’ll admit, I still struggle with my own authenticity when the world around me thinks differently – but just being aware of who I am and what is important to me, always helps put me back on the path where my heart is most happy.

DAILY WORD, Thursday, March 12, 2012

The light of God leads me to success

How do I measure success?  Is it the balance in my bank account, the number of friends I have or amount of things I own? These are material markets, but then do not reflect who I am.

The true measure of success is my ability to greet each day with a positive attitude and the assurance that I am in my right and perfect place. It is my willingness to allow the presence of God to guide me to right actions. It is my capacity to trust the power of God to sustain me.

As I let God’s light shine on all I do, I cannot fail. Staying faithful to the powerful Presence within me, I move forward with confidence. This is my measure of success.



Faith, Religion, and Standing Tall


Daily Word is a subscription I subscribe to. It it is my time with God. I believe in what is my God, which I believe is also the Universe, which we are all a part of. I am often struck at how each day’s lesson speaks to me. It helps balance me and keeps me moving forward. Today’s Faith lesson resonated deeply on many levels.

Much of my growing stronger and standing tall in who I am has also come from a 10-inch tall wiener dog who rolls around in a doggie wheelchair named Frankie. Some of you may have heard of her. <wink>

I’m working on a book right now about what I’ve learned from Frankie. One section in my book talks about my faith. I was raised a Lutheran, going to church most Sunday’s as a little girl. But then my parents divorced and going to church was not something I did with my mom and siblings.

For a while in my life, I struggled with not having been confirmed. But as I’ve grown older I realize I am of no particular religion. Feeling not good about being confirmed, for me, was because I felt I got caught up in what society felt was right. I’m not saying being confirmed and going to church, or being a certain religion is not a good thing. If it works for others and helps them- then I think that is great.

But for me personally, I don’t find a religion that 100% agrees with who I am. I feel more of a spiritual person, not attached to a religion. For many years I felt shame if someone asked me if I went to church or not. Like it was bad if I didn’t.

Recently I did a school visit with Frankie for a small catholic school. When I was done with my presentation and the kids were walking by petting Frankie, a parent approached me and said, “Are you catholic?” I felt that same fear rise up in me- like if I wasn’t would that make me not good enough? It caught me off guard that she asked me this question. But I kindly said, “No I am not.”

She said, “Oh, I see. The reason I ask is my husband writes for a catholic newspaper. When he heard about you and Frankie he wanted to write a story about you. But he couldn’t think of an angle.”

Thinking thoughtfully and speaking from my I AM, I said, “Well, I do believe in God and I do believe that His mission for me at this time in my life was to teach what I am teaching with Frankie as my example.” She smiled, nodding her head.

I continued and said, “And you know, I believe animals are God’s creatures He created. What a beautiful opportunity your husband would have to share one of God’s creatures, Frankie, with his readers, helping them understand that pets with special needs are no different than other animals and deserve a chance.”

She seemed to listen to what I said intently, nodding, and then said thank you.

As I drove home, I wondered if her husband would call and do a story. I haven’t heard from him yet. I may not. But I also realized how proud I was to feel comfortable in what I said and what I believed. I also feel Frankie and my story is not about a religion, but so much more.

Standing tall is not always easy in world of many views, but until we do, our soul can’t continue forward. I’m learning that with each step I take and that the only way to truly live is from your own heart.