This notice came to me from my friend, Dr. Kim Bloomer about a little guy Dachshund named Sam who needs to find a new home due to his current caretaker who works full time. The note below is from cousin of caretaker, but the contact is Toni at Please contact Toni asap if you can help! Thank you. Sam sounds like a wonderful dog… and oh, so darling! As you can see in the last photo he does also have a wheelchair.
I am reaching out to see if anyone has thoughts or ideas regarding a serious situation that involves a beautiful, sweet, dachshund named Sam.
Sam (my cousin Terry’s dog) is a four year old doxy who was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease and lost the use of his back legs; Sam became incontinent due to this illness, he has a wheelchair to help him get around.
Sam is a loving, sweet animal but needs to wear diapers. The problem is, Sam recently figured out how to wiggle out of his diapers. Terry is at work all day and comes home to a very frightened Sam who has soiled himself. Terry’s friend does look in on Sam during the day but this is not enough for Sam to have a good quality of life.
I wanted to know if anyone knows a good dachshund rescue or a person who has time and may be willing to adopt or foster a disabled, young, sweet dog. Sam is neutered and otherwise healthy.
My cousin may be forced to put Sam to sleep if he cannot find a place to take him. Terry is willing to drive Sam anywhere in the country to re-home him.
Photos of Sam below. Wheelchair photo was taken with a vet tech who wanted to adopt Sam, she was offered a full time job that will not allow her to do this. While in her care, this woman said she truly enjoyed caring for and being with Sam.
Thank you so much for reading this email. I appreciate all ideas. Please feel free to share this email with anyone who might be able to help.