
A Clear Mind Leads to Peace of Mind

Last night I had a dream which I remembered when I awoke. It was bothering me even though my initial response was that I didn’t want to look at the dream deeper and what it perhaps may mean. But I’ve learned that our dreams can guide us in a positive way.

So I first meditated to allow myself to move into a more neutral space. I then pulled three oracle cards and journaled the insight I received. I acknowledged my fear and witnessed the part of me that can still revisit that wounding of abandonment and that can invoke certain emotions within me. I then realized the thoughts I was having about my dream weren’t rational or ‘real’ in the sense I thought they were. 

I then rolled out my yoga mat as I continued to simmer in the meaning of the dream for me and what the oracle cards revealed. As I moved through my practice it was at one point I heard, “A clear mind leads to peace of mind.” In order to clear my mind, I had to be willing to look into my heart, though it felt awfully vulnerable, because what if the way I was interpreting the dream was ‘real?’

But when I let go and felt my way into my heart, I realized there wasn’t anything concrete about the dream – but rather it was a projection of an old story of my own insecurities from my past. I knew this and the cards reflected this for me also.

So on this theme, I asked for all of us, from The Wisdom of the Oracle what is the first step we need to take in order to clear our mind and find peace of mind?

The card I pulled is Between Worlds – #3

I see this card as inviting us to walk without fear between the worlds of our waking and dreaming lives. Something my sweet dog, Gidget taught me was to see life sideways – meaning that not making something so mental that it drives us crazy with suffering.

The willingness to be with our fears can help us look beyond and guide us to what needs to be acknowledged and witnessed in order that we can heal pain from our past. Instead of staying stuck in the past, if we can open to understanding it as a teaching, we can walk with more peace and clarity in our everyday lives.

It really is by moving into the heart and deeply listening that we can find our way to ease our minds and experience more peace.

The number three is about evolving in our well-being which requires looking at what needs to be healed in order that we can experience more wholeness.

When I look at the flamingo on the card I’m reminded of living a life with grace – being kind and gentle with ourselves when we lose our way and find ourselves drowning in fear – to forgive ourselves – and to move ahead slowly and trust that Spirit has our backs – which will lead us back to being in balance.

It’s hard to see, but there is also a hummingbird hovering above the flamingo, facing toward the dark side of the card. I see this as facing the dark as necessary in order to bring more joy and light into one’s life. It’s in understanding the darkness that we shed light on what needs healing and we are able to move through life with more ease.

Lastly, I picked a card from the Spirit Animal Oracle asking what animal guides us as we lean into working our way toward more peace of mind and I pulled Rhino Spirit. I see Rhino as a reminder that we are stronger and more resilient than we often realize. See the crown on the first horn of the Rhino? We have the power to transform our lives by being open to all it has to offer us. And when we feel empowered, we feel safe and experience more peace of mind. 

Lastly, I turned to the guidebook and this line stood out: “We always have the choice to press ahead.”

Looking at the cards side-by-side I noticed the toughness of rhino, but also the gracefulness of flamingo as a reminder that both are necessary for moving through this one precious life.



Oracle cards used: The Wisdom of the Oracle and Spirit Animal Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

When Dreams Come True in Unexpected Ways

When Dreams Come True in Unexpected Ways

It was 1977 and 1978 that I played the flute in my high school band. My flute was different than other’s had, as it was the most beautiful color that looked more like an antique silver.

It was the winter of 1978 when the love of my life would walk through the gymnasium doors during a basketball game where I was playing flute during half-time. Though I didn’t know it at the time.

He was four years older than me, having just graduated from the same high school six months earlier. My whole freshman year and he being a senior, I would often find a way to make sure I could pass him in the hallway. I was smitten with him all the way to my toes!

But alas, I didn’t think he really knew I existed. Or perhaps as I realize now, he too, was quite shy, like me.

After that basketball game I’d find myself walking home with my best friend and my flute case in hand. Just as we were crossing the bridge, one block from my home, that guy I’d been smitten with pulled up in his large brown Pontiac. With those bluer than blue eyes, and a smile that melted my heart he said, “Would you like a ride home?” 

My knees wobbled and I stammered, “But I’m almost home,”  pointing straight ahead. Thank goodness for my wise friend standing next to me, who held my secret of this crush I’d had for so long. She gently stuck her elbow in my side and said, “I can walk the rest of the way and wait at your house for my mom to pick me up.” 

That is the last time I remember my flute playing an important role in my life. In 1984 I married that apple of my eye and we’ve been married for 33 years now (and will be together 39 years as of this January).

Over the years I’ve pined over playing the flute again. But I’d sold it a few years after I got married and often times regretted the decision. And a few times I even did a bit of research to see if I could find a similar flute again.

That special silver flute wasn’t meant to come back into my life. My leaning more and more into ancient wisdom teachings and wanting to be more connected with nature, I’ve felt the pull toward a simpler life for quite a few years now.

And sometimes dreams come true in new and unexpected ways…and feel more in alignment with how far you’ve come and what is of importance at this stage of your life.

In high school, the thought of a Native American flute would have never crossed my mind. But this is the grace and beauty of expanding and evolving in who we are and what matters…

And the gift of this EarthTone Native American flute from High Spirits Flutes gifted to me by my mom this Christmas has touched a special place in my soul. It calls to me often beckoning me to sit for a few moments and play.

With the recent passing of my sweet Kylie the day after Thanksgiving, it was the last week or so that I wanted to learn the best I could how to play Silent Night  after my mom said I should play it for Kylie because she knew she would hear it.

In my newsletter this week I shared a special holiday message from me and Miss G, along with my debut of playing  a short version of Silent Night on my flute…and so I share with you too…

Merry Christmas to each of you and thank you for being here on my blog, reading my stories, listening to my oracle readings, and for all your love and support.

Much love and gratitude,

Barbara (and Miss G!)

Routine Rituals and Dreams

Routine Rituals and Dreams

Most mornings, after being let out of her kennel, this is where you will find Kylie. It’s the spot she waits patiently as John makes his coffee and gets ready for the day. One of the last things John does before heading out to a job site is to put his workboots on. And Kylie has trained him well because he carries his boots into the living room and she scoots over.

Before his laces are tied, he takes a few moments to be in this sweet space with his dear dog, stroking her head and back. It’s a special routine ritual between the two.

And as we dreamed of going on vacation later this fall talking about plans recently, John wanted Kylie to go with us this time (and yes, Gidget will be coming along too!). But little did we realize how this would all evolve, and boy-oh-boy, are we excited!

John has two work vans, one of which he only uses as a back up. It will be perfect to make the trip south to a spot in Tennessee where we will stay in a cabin for seven days.  We plan to make it a two day trip down and back, staying one night each way in a campground.

And this is where a whole new world has opened up to us!  John is planning on what we’ve dubbed, “pimping” out the van. He’s going to insulate it, build bunk beds, and build a platform for Gidget’s car seat, plus make space for both dog kennels.

What we didn’t realize is that this is a way of travel for many…taking vans and converting them into a space to sleep, cook, and even work should you choose to. There are endless websites and blogs on this very subject!  Even women are going solo and making treks on their own following their hearts and seeing the states.  One such site I just started following is She-Explores.

And here’s one woman, named Jessie, who lives out on the open road with her little doxie (be still my heart!):


John and I have both been doing research and will start with the basics for our trek to Tennessee later this fall in the van. And then our hope is to go out west next year for a longer trek staying in campgrounds along the way. This will mean adding to the van with more essentials to make it our home on wheels.

It sure has had me thinking much about how much I love routine, but also how it will be fun to escape the routine and set out on an adventure, just the four of us….in a Chevy van….heading down the highway….taking in the views…and grateful for dreams!

oh, and speaking of dreams… my manuscript for  Wisdom Found in the Pause has gone through it’s final stage of editing with my editor which is the proofreading stage – woo hoo!  One last read through for me this week, and then I’ll begin formatting it.  I’ve also received some proof’s for the cover and can’t wait to share the cover with you soon!

Thank you for sharing and subscribing to my blog updates.