ebook special

Honoring the Memory of Joie and the Gift of the Importance of Pausing. Special Price on E-book.

This photo popped up as a memory on my Facebook timeline today. Little Joie, such a sweet, sweet soul. Her time with me short, but that didn’t matter to my heart, as I loved her so much.

It took me quite some time to understand why she had to move on so quickly after coming to live with me. In her leaving, I learned to appreciate and honor the importance of pausing during uncertain times in our life, and how important it is to pause each day, too. To step back, to reflect, to ponder, to be, to really see what is directly in front of me, and most importantly, what is within me.

That inner world we tend to push aside thinking the push and forcing is what will get us ahead in life. That call to take time to re-evaluate our path, though fear can often try and steer us away from taking time to be in the stillness and really listen for the answers.

But time and time again, I’m reminded how vital it is to our well-being to pause and connect with what really matters at each step along the way of life.

A part of me has regret for not fully and truly honoring the gift that Joie left me with. While I wrote about that journey in my second memoir, Wisdom Found in the Pause – Joie’s Gift, for the most part, I kept it quiet that I had published and released this book in early 2017. It was because of fear of judgement and that others wouldn’t understand my need to let go of an identity and move into who I am today.

So in honor of Joie and the lovely reminder of her gift that showed up today as a memory, I’m offering the ebook version of Wisdom Found in the Pause – Joie’s Gift for $1.99 through Sunday, October 14th. I’m providing it as a PDF so you can download to your Kindle, computer, phone or anywhere you read content digitally.

Just click here to purchase or on book cover, and enjoy the pause in reading and how it can open your world to a new perspective and understanding. And feel free to share the purchase link with anyone else who you think would enjoy.

