
The Meaning of Frankie’s Real Name- Francesca.

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I continue to receive such wonderful emails and posts to my Facebook wall and comments on my blog from all those hearing of Frankie’s passing.  Please know they all lift my heart greatly.

A dear friend of mine, Julie, who I got to know because of Frankie, appeared at my home late Friday afternoon. In her arms she held a huge boquet of 13 yellow roses. She then told me she looked up what Frankie’s real name means.  Though I rarely called Frankie, Francesca it is in my book, Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog. I’d always get such a kick out of kids when I’d go to school when I introduced Frankie as Frankie and it never failed that a child would yell out, “Her real name is Francesca!”

So Francesca means, FREE. Julie then explored further and the flower representing FREEDOM is the yellow rose which is also the flower that represents JOY.  Julie said, “I call that FATE.”  I was stunned and goosebumps ran up and down my arms.  Life reveals some powerful things if we are open to them, and this gift that Julie gave me in what she discovered is truly touching.

In her card to me she wrote:

13 yellow roses for 13 years that Francesca, “Frankie,” gave you JOY and you gave her FREEDOM,  freedom to move physically and freedom to move the emotions of everyone she met.

Now that is some powerful stuff which expands even more for me the many blessings I had with Frankie and the blessings that continue to unfold…

Many of you have emailed me worried that I won’t keep writing- I will- and I’ve got lots to say about the past few days. Soon I’ll write about the animal communication reading I had done with Frankie the day before her passing. You’ll want to stay tuned for it.