garden walk

Joyful Pause Cottage Garden Walk After the Rain. Plus Link to an Irish Cottage I Think You Will Enjoy.

We had a brief rain shower this morning. But enough to bring an extra layer of beauty to some of the flowers in my gardens. I find it quite magical and comforting all at the same time to see how the flowers gently hold the raindrops upon their petals. 

So I’m inviting you to come for a little stroll with the photos I captured this morning while the birds sang and Mr. Squirrel was causing quite the show again hanging from the bird feeder. He is one determined little fella these days!

After the garden walk, I share with you a new-to-me YouTube channel of an Irish cottage I discovered. More details below after the beauty of flowers I now share with you…

Now for a brief break as I share with you that this is my first attempt at growing Hollyhocks. She is in her second year and this is the first bloom. I understand they take a while to establish themselves. After posting a photo on my Instagram page of her still tight in her bud, but color peeking through, I received a lovely note from a woman in CO. She asked if I’d like some seed from her Hollyhock when, as she calls them, the “Girls of Summer” head south. Wasn’t that just the loveliest gestor? I, of course, enthusiastically said, “Yes!”  It will certainly be a great way for me to practice more patience as I await them to come up through the soil from seed.

And now we resume the rest of the garden walk…

Now that we’ve reached the end of the garden tour for today, I promised you a link to an Irish Cottage I’ve fallen in love with.

If you are anything cottage crazy like I am, I recently stumbled upon a new-to-me YouTube channel that is all things cottage.

I tell you, I just can’t get enough of this lovely Irish woman named, Colette. She lives on a plot of land in Ireland that was destined to remain barren until she turned it into her own little piece of heaven, nurturing Mother Earth, instilling permaculture, and now walks along the pebble gravel paths with her border collie, Jack. Well, check it out for yourself. Her philosophy on life also very much inspires me and it’s like a meditation watching and listening to her channel which I now do on a daily basis.

Just click on the photo below to be whisked off to Ireland and Bealtaine Cottage – no travel or expense involved and an array of peace and inspiration awaits you…

P.S. I’ve also purchased one of her books, A Cottage and Three Acres. She only sells it through her website so it will take 4-8 weeks to arrive. I’ll let you know how it is and I will try to appreciate the anticipation of it arriving!

