I’m Fine Just the Way I Am

The Heart Knows

Thank you to everyone who has reached out to me with cards sent, via email or Facebook and your kind and sweet support and the loss of Gidget. Just as the heart trepidly walks with grief, sometimes receiving an outpouring of love and support can feel overwhelming too. But I realized a lesson in this and that I must simply take in what I can at the moment and return again when I feel called to.

I want to share this special double heart memorial marker with you. It’s in my garden outside my writing cottage. When I open the blinds in my bedroom each morning and when I sit at my writing desk I can see it.

Some of you may remember that two years ago I scattered the ashes of my two previous doxie’s Frankie and Joie around my writing cottage. Gidget now rests here too.

On Mother’s Day morning I walked out to my garden to be with her. I felt called to gather some rocks and form the shape of a heart in honor of my love for her. Just as I placed the last rock at the bottom of the heart, a small rock off to the side caught my eye. It was in the shape of a heart.

I smiled through my tears. Little Gidget already sending me a sign of love right back to me… and so I placed her heart within mine. Though honestly, I feel like the big heart is more representative of her.

There are many ways in which one nurtures and for a good part of my life, I’ve struggled with why I never felt called to have children of my own.

The core reason why has been revealing itself to me since 2015 and stems from a personal childhood wounding. A week before Mother’s Day and the passing of Gidget, it was like another window to my soul opened and I deeply felt the truth of why and I had to be with all I was feeling.  

As many of you also know, I’ve been working on my third memoir, I’m Fine Just the Way I Am. This book will share that journey of facing that inner core wound and working my way through it. At the heart of it was my dear Gidget guiding me and holding the most loving space for me.

For the most part, the writing of the book is done. I’ve received feedback from three beta readers which I’ll use to tweak the manuscript. I also realized two days ago that there will be an afterword. I’m not quite ready to write that yet as I need to give myself time to process the loss of Gidget.

But I do know and understand now that if I’d had children I’d not experienced what I have in my life and for that I’m grateful. And I know that this was the path I was meant to walk.

I also remember how I was feeling trepidation about sharing the news of Gidget’s passing as I didn’t want other’s who cared for her to feel sad. But just like I shared the joy of her, the grief must come with it too. Grief is something we all have in common – none of us escape it.

Then just this morning I received this note from a wise friend:

Not only are you feeling your sweet friend but you are assisting others to feel and release their grief. And that is what a catalyst does. Part of your work here is to help others with theirs. It’s not always easy, as you very well know, but it is your path.

I deeply felt the truth of this.

And so with Gidget’s heart a part of mine always, I journey on…



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Special Celebrations!

You get one guess! Guess who is celebrating a birthday?  How did you know?  It’s true. Miss Gidget turned twelve this month.

The thing is, I don’t really know when her birthday is. Nor do I know her exact age. But from the records I received when I adopted her from a rescue five and a half years ago, this is the best guess.

In a newsletter I sent out earlier today it has a feature that shares wisdom from Gidget. She had this to say:  Happy 12th Birthday to me! My secret to life? Act like you are still two years old! One of my nicknames is “fidgety gidgety” as I sometimes tend to not sit still. But I also have my quiet moments. So my words of wisdom to you? Be still and squiggle too!

She appears to be smiling in this photo, don’t you think? I do and it makes my heart happy. Gidget has more than earned that smile. We have traveled quite the journey together of what at times has felt like more downs than ups. 

But of late, the rewards reaped from doing my personal inner work healing a childhood wound has resulted not only in more peace within me but Gidget too. I’ll be sharing that journey in my next memoir, I’m Fine Just the Way I Am. 

As has been the case with every dog I’ve been blessed to share my life with, Gidget was a reflection I needed at this time in my life that had me going through what is sometimes defined as a “dark night of the soul.”

It feels incredibly good to be on the other side of the darkness. Looking at this photo of Gidget I see and feel a lightness about her. It is definitely a reflection for me also.

What a dog of depth she is, though sweet and silly too. I often think about how I began calling her my Buddha dog when she first came to live with me and John in 2013. She has been the most beautiful beacon of light to my soul that felt lost for so long.

So… Happy Birthday dear Gidget! You wear the princess crown well. You are a dog of grace and wisdom and I’m so grateful for the unconditional love and sacred space you’ve held for me. xoxoxoxo

Speaking of celebrations!….there is more!

Yesterday afternoon John and I attended a special celebration in honor of this 90-year young lady! Many moons ago (25 years!) I worked with Marilyn at Kohl’s Dept store. She worked in the lingerie department. She was so meticulous with the many “unmentionables!”  She took great pride in keeping all the bras and panties neat as a pin on the clothing racks. I don’t know how she did it! Such patience she had. Many of us fondly called her the “Bra Lady.” For her retirement party, I still remember the “boob” cake with the adorning lace bra. It was quite the hit! It was an honor to celebrate her then as it was yesterday.

She loved the top I had on and especially loved the sleeves. I told her they are my angel wings. After I saw this photo of her and me, I was struck by the “angel wing” across her.  When we had arrived, Marilyn greeted John and me away from the other guests to tell us she is dealing with a cancer diagnosis that has no cure. 

Seeing this “angel wing” draped across her it’s my hope that angel wings indeed will be her guide and at her side, for however long she continues to be with us. Her spirit and attitude is nothing short of amazing. I have no doubt that has been her secret to reaching 90. 

The highlights of life that make the journey so worth it!



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