
Today You Pick! Which Animal Has Guidance for You.

Today you pick! Think of a situation/concern you’d like some guidance on.  Then pick the card you are most drawn to – #1, #2, or #3. Today’s cards are from three different animal decks. 

Once you’ve chosen which one speaks to you, scroll down to reveal the card…..











While each card has a message from the creator of each of the decks, I’m sharing what came up for me as I turned each card over. Perhaps the message I share will resonate and maybe it will be the author of the deck and their insight that resonates, or perhaps it will be both mine and the author’s that will ring true for you and you will see them as working in conjunction with each other. All is good, no matter what! It’s all about feeling into what feels right for you and jumping off from there to expand on how the message(s) will serve as your guide around your particular situation/concern.

#1 Blue Heron (Card from Messages From Your Spirit Animal Guides by Dr. Steven Farmer)

Blue Heron invites you to stand still, appreciate what it is you need to let go of, listen to your own internal guidance, and move forward with intention but thoughtful and deliberate steps. Herons are very much their ‘own bird’ and perhaps there is a message here for you to be more assertive in what it is you wish for your life.

Interesting to note that the back of each of the cards in this deck is the image of a blue heron also. Just an extra nudge to pay attention to the message.




#2 Cat (Card from The Ark Animal Tarot and Oracle deck by Bernadette King)

Cat invites you to curl up in the sun. Give thought to where you need or are wishing to assert your independence. The cat’s tail curled in front of him/her may indicate that protecting yourself as you move forward in your independence is important. While others may have well-intended from the heart advice for you, Cat wants you to remember that you’ve got this. Listen to your own inner compass which will save you in the long run on time and needless stress of falling into the pattern of following the advice of others.





#3 Peacock (Card from Spirit Animal Oracle deck by Colette Baron-Reid)

I can’t help but hear in my mind, ‘strut your stuff’ when I see peacock! Or perhaps this is a call to reveal your true colors that you’ve been hiding out of fear. See the light emanating from the center of Peacock? Time to stretch your heart in all directions too. Allow your vibration of light to move out around you in order to attract what it is that you need in order to help serve you in the best possible way.

Did the card you chose resonate or help in your situation/concern in any way? I’d love to know so feel free to leave me a comment below.

As always, if you’d like additional support, I offer personal one-to-one readings where I  can help you expand on a particular area you feel stuck. The cards are an amazing tool that reveals insight and perspective to help you gain clarity and move forward with more confidence. I also now offer readings for your pet and you!  More info below.

P.S. Just after I finished writing this post I jumped onto Facebook and the first post I saw was a photograph of a flying Blue Heron. Looks like Blue Heron may be my personal messenger today, so I shall have to ponder in that some more for myself.



Just click on either graphic to learn more and/or to book a reading.






A Little Helpful Wisdom From Dog

If only one of them would just let go. Looking at these two dogs, each pulling on a side of the flying disk so one can win the prize I see this as in invitation to look at what part of us is trying to win out that we may be ignoring?

We have to give ourselves credit in that most often we do recognize which part of us is trying to get our attention because it continues to come back again and again and again until we acknowledge it.

Sometimes when I see or hear the word resistance my body will tense up. But just now as I looked at the word resistance on the card I saw the word “stance” within it. I’d never realized this before.

Yes! Resistance is an opportunity to take a stance and change that which we may be resisting or fearing.

And instead of seeing resistance as negative, which I’m going to challenge myself to do also, let’s see it as a beacon of light shining the way to take time to just be with whatever it is we may be resisting or are afraid to acknowledge.

As far as winning the flying disk I believe also that both dogs don’t have the word or concept of “win” as part of who they are. They are just enjoying being in the moment of the tug and the pull knowing the outcome, whether they are the one left holding the flying disk or not, will be fine either way. There was something positively gained in both the tug and the pull.

Isn’t it always our projections about what we think an outcome will be when we are in fear that is actually worse than the very thing we were resisting?

A bit to ponder this week…enjoy…Woof!



Cards: Divine Dog Wisdom Cards by Barb Horn and Randy Crutcher

Our Wise Self Knows How to Move through Chaos and Conflict – Animal Wisdom and Oracle Guidance

Here we are in the last week of April. We’ve certainly all gone through changes we’d not anticipated along with what I hope you’ve gained which is a new way of seeing the world and also hope for what is yet to come.

For this week’s reading, I pulled both cards in reverse which means protection in these two particular decks. This is a message from Spirit/Divine/God really wanting us to understand this teaching while at the same time giving us a hug and gentling nudging us to get on with it.

Chaos and Conflict: No doubt just hearing these words you may be finding yourself cringe. I know I sometimes do when I pull this card for myself. It can conjure up a negative thought and perhaps you are feeling a tightness somewhere in your body just reading the words. This a beautiful clue to explore further.

The fact it is in reverse means we have to ask ourselves the question of where aren’t we opening our minds and hearts to finding the gifts in what appears to be a time of chaos or conflict?  It’s during these times we may have to ‘work’ a little harder to understand, but this is where the true reward lies. This is what will advance us forward in a much quicker, fulfilling, and lasting way if we can ‘see’ past what appears to be a disruption or may feel like things are falling apart.

We humans don’t like change. I’m just as guilty of this at times. Especially when it feels like things are going smoothly and life feels like it is all roses. In the middle of chaos and conflict, we may yearn for the good times of the past or pine for what we hope the future will bring.

But it’s in the middle of turbulent times that we can glean the greatest teaching that can change us in a profound way. I can’t help but think about my own life and what felt like a tornado that moved through me in the winter of 2018. How that chaos and conflict of wrestling with all those feelings I knew had to be dealt with regarding a childhood wounding felt like the pain would never end. Times of chaos and conflict doesn’t always go in a straight line, nor does it exactly outright share how everything will turn out. But what’s important to remember is that it is only temporary.

The Chaos and Conflict card is the exact one to help us deepen our faith and expand our trust in a way we’ve never done before. As we continue through these times of uncertainty and while hints of what may all come from this is beginning to appear in different ways, we still have unanswered questions too. Lean into what you know is certain, like the fact that Zebra do indeed have stripes, even though the card shows only partial stripes. But they are there. Trust that.

Owl Spirit: When we are in times of confusion and worry we can often lose sight of our own wise inner compass. Did you notice the owl on the card has a crown on her head? This is a message for us to tap into that energy center within ourselves to gain insight and understanding. When we open that chakra – our crown – and connect with not only our higher self but also with the Divine, we find that in time we can gain the clarity we are seeking. 

Times of chaos and conflict can have us getting stuck in our minds where we go round and round with what are just thoughts of what could or should be and this just keeps us spinning our wheels. 

As I shared at the beginning of this reading when we find ourselves in what feels like chaos and conflict it’s a beautiful clue to explore further. So take time to drop into your heart space. Do something that feels grounding to you – such as meditation, walking, getting out in nature, painting, journaling —whatever it may be—because this is what will help that monkey mind to rest.

And as your mind begins to quiet, your wise self will feel more comfortable in coming forward and you’ll be surprised at how the answers you seek will more easily float right on up to the surface. 

Wishing you much love and peace this last week of April!



One-to-one intuitive guidance and oracle readings available here.

Cards: Wisdom of the Oracle and The Spirit Animal Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid