
Have Blanket…

have blanket 1200will travel.  I have a dog bed in the kitchen with a blanket when Gidget chooses to snuggle there instead of in front of the woodstove.  She has to be in whatever room I’m in. Yesterday I walked into the living room and turned around to see Gidget’s blanket making the trip with her to the living room.  This happens every now and then and just cracks me up!


Giving Disabled Animals a Chance

Today while watching this video of a little paralyzed dachshund found in awful conditions had me overcome with happiness that he was found and has been given a second chance.

Of course, I couldn’t help but look at Ricky Bobby and think how much he looks like Gidget.  From as best as the rescue can guess that Gidget came from, they think she had two or three litters before she found her way to a woman who cared for her.  Who knows– Ricky Bobby could be one of her babies for all we know. Gidget was then given to an animal shelter because the woman couldn’t afford her any longer.  When she got to the shelter she was listed as having a back injury and that is when On My Way Home Dachshund Rescue took her in.  Just like Ricky Bobby, and countless others, Gidget has been given a second chance.

It’s too hard for me to think about those that don’t make it to those second chances. Like senior animals, pets with special needs are often hard to place into forever homes. But I continue to focus on the positive of those that do, and those that help.  Sharing this good news on my blog and social media is my way of helping the cause.

While I know taking care of a dog with disc disease is not for everyone, I can’t help but sharing again the many blessings I’ve had because of caring for them. While I had a difficult time when Joie passed so soon after adopting her, I have come to a place of peaceful understanding that Joie opened the door for me to love another.

It is the same in rescue and foster work.  It is never easy to say goodbye, but if we can find the courage to let our hearts love again, there is another waiting.  I hope for as long as I am on this planet I can love a special needs dog. It is one of my greatest rewards and joys.