Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog wins 1st place in Dachshund Costume contest in 2008 at
GermanFest in Milwaukee, WI
As I perused Facebook this morning, I came across this photo above of Frankie on Everyone Loves a Dachshund Facebook page. I was so grateful for the fact that they shared the photo uninitiated by me, but also because it helps spread our positive message. And here it is almost 4 years later and it has resurfaced.
As I read the comments (to date over 63- as well as this photo has been liked so far by over 450 people and shared over 130 times) there were about four negative comments… mostly that it was mean or cruel. My first reaction was to judge– “How could they say that,” I wondered? They don’t know me and don’t understand what a wonderful life Frankie leads. I had a lot of emotions bubble to the surface. All the good and positive comments were washed away because my heart hurt reading the negative ones. But then I caught myself.
I realized in that moment that I was being given another opportunity. An opportunity to educate those that may not understand. Those that don’t know how deeply I love this little dog– how I’ve poured my heart and soul into wanting to save other dogs being put to sleep through Frankie’s example– how I’ve worked tirelessly to encourage children to see their challenges as positive like Frankie does.
They didn’t know any better, I thought. They had no idea what this photo was all about. I could help them understand. So I set aside my hurt and judgment and shared my thoughts about the photo– as well as took the opportunity to educate about Intervertebral Disc Disease and dog wheelchairs.
They also say no press is bad press. I realized I was judging, caught myself, and said, “Frankie taught me not to judge.” Am I 100% good at this? No, I slip up now and then, but I will say I am much more aware and I try hard to be a better person.
So no press is bad press, so I took the opportunity to share that not only has Frankie taught me not to judge, but she has taught me many lessons which I’ll be sharing in my upcoming new book, Through Frankie’s Eyes: One Woman’s Journey to Her Authentic Self and the Dog on Wheels Who Led the Way. I invited them to check out my website and sign up for updates on when the book will be released.
So what began as what I initially thought as a bad thing– judging– being hurt– turn it upside down, and it became a beautiful opportunity in so many ways. Thank you Everyone Loves A Dachshund for this most unexpected, but welcome opportunity.