Frankie enjoying more down time. She likes it! She likes it!
Today I heard from someone who follows my blog. She shared with me how she admires the work I do with Frankie, as well as how some of my posts have helped her relax more and see the spiritual side of things. Thank you dear follower- oh, how I appreciate your kind thoughtful words.
She also has a doxie in a wheelchair and would like to do the same work as I do with Frankie. She feared I may take this as possibly her being a copycat, so at first she was afraid to reach out to me. With Frankie’s semi-retirement she felt a bit more comfortable in approaching me. I assured her I think it is wonderful that she has admired our mission and is inspired to do so with her pup. It also made me sad that we have to think in terms of someone worrying that others may be upset if we “copy” their idea. While Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog will always be just that and no one can take that from her, what a wonderful opportunity to help share the message she has begun. This wheelie dog and her owner will do things in their own way and thus touch the lives they are meant to touch- just like Frankie and me have done. And how beautiful to know more doxie lives can be saved through more awareness. These are all divine gifts, I think. I consider it a great honor.
While Frankie is officially semi-retired and I continue to share her message on a more limited basis, I still see myself as always doing this line of work. Likely not to the degree I did for the last five years, but to some degree now. And the day Frankie does move on I hope to continue working with children in some fashion educating them about special needs pets and using these pets shining example to help they, themselves to be positive. That may mean another special needs doxie or special needs pet in my future. I don’t know the clear answer to that yet- but I see a vision of it being a part of what I continue to do… along with new things emerging in terms of my helping animals.
But to my dear blog follower who found the courage to reach out and share her thoughts with me about her vision, I thank you. It’s another rippled pepple that will go out into the world to touch the lives of those we have not yet reached or may never reach– which in turn will make a positive difference– and that is what life is all about. Divine gifts indeed.
“The life I desire is a work in progress, and even though I can’t see the entire picture from where I stand at this moment, it is coming together in a perfect way. It’s comforting to me to remember that divine ideas have their own timing. When I can wait, in calm expectation; ready to act, but not forcing it, an idea, a suggestion from a friend, an opportunity, a new way of thinking about a perplexing problem, will come bounding into my life and bring with it the answers that I have been seeking.” ~Mary Muncil, White Feather Farm Blog