Note: Be sure to read all the way to end and then listen to a special audio recording. Squeaky’s mom, Sussie wrote to me about Squeaky’s first time in wheels and it was so cute I asked if I could record and share with you, my readers.
What is your pet’s name?
Squeaky. Actually his name is Colt. But he gets these high pitched squeaky whines when he wants something. I started out saying to him “Thats my squeaky boy” but he seemed to like being called Squeaky. The only time I call him Colt is when he is in trouble. Kinda like when your mother called you by your full name. Oh boy…you knew you were in for it. LOL
How old is your pet?
Where did you get your pet?
He was a rescue. He was going to be put down.
What is your pet’s physical challenge?
He is down in the back and it is inoperable (IVDD). Very powerful from the mid section forward though. Since I got him, he has regained a tiny bit of movement in the back. But not enough to stand.
What is your pet’s favorite thing to do?
Chew on rawhide bones. Bark. Be held. Explore. Sleep.
What is your pet’s favorite thing to eat? u
um…what doesn’t he like to eat. LOL
What do you love most about your pet?
His attitude. He has never been bothered by the fact that he can’t walk. He’s always happy.
What has your pet most taught you?
Don’t worry…be happy.
Anything else you’d like to share?
Thank you to Eddie’s Wheels for making a perfectly custom made cart. It fits him like a glove! Because of them, Squeaky has wings to fly.
Listen to audio of Squeaky trying out his wheels for the first time!!
Squeaky got his wheels audio
***If you care for a special needs pet and would like your pet featured, please email me through my website contact. Send a photo and I will forward the questionnaire for your pet to be featured in an upcoming post.***
For help with your IVDD dog please visit an organization called Dodgerslist that is dedicated to saving lives of IVDD dogs.
My life changed for the better and my heart grew ten times it size when my dog, Frankie ruptured a disk and ended up in a doggie wheelchair. That may sound odd, but it lead me to a calling that has brought me so much joy.
I love being an advocate for pets with special neeeds educating others that disabled pets are just as lovable as any other pet. I also feel so blessed to help kids of all ages see their challenges in a positive way through Frankie’s example. Frankie is an incredbile gift not only in my life, but she has helped thousands of children through the book series about her, as well as the visits we do to schools in WI and schools across the US and Canada via Skype.
Sharing other pets with special needs expands on the message that all animals deserve a chance. Sharing these pets helps to spread a positive message and every time I meet a new special needs pet I feel my heart grow even bigger. I hope it does the same for you and you pass on the love.
Learn more about Barbara and her love of special needs pets
Learn more about Barbara’s special needs pet, Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog