joyful life

If Today Was My Last Day on Earth

If Today Was My Last Day on Earth

If today was the last day on earth where would you want to be?

I’ve heard that question on and off over the years. I thought about it again today.

And this is exactly where I’d want to spend my last day. Right here at home, on my deck with my Prince Charming, Kylie and Gidget. This is, without a doubt, my happy place – my sanctuary.

When I got up this morning, I opened up the patio doors and could here the birds singing. Summer is in full swing and it is absolutely glorious.

My heart burst with contentment and joy as I thought about how much I love my life. And it’s truly all the simple things that make my heart sing.

Flowers blooming, birds chirping, Kylie and Gidget snuggled in their favorite spots, the quietness of the morning, the hum of a lawnmower in the distance, birds splashing in the bird bath, the smell of fresh air.

Life is good.

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My Joyful Pause Moments: Weekly Recap

What an absolutely beautiful Labor Day weekend. I hope wherever you are, you are enjoying your extended weekend. I LOVE this time of year and am excited to be heading into the fall season.

20140825_145734 12Though in a way it was hard to take off my old decals which had my Frankie on either side, I do love my new larger decals.

20140826_092615 eWhat a joyful and sweet surprise when I ran to the local laundromat to wash my king size comforter to meet this little cutie there.  Her name is Lola.  Her mom owns the laundromat… and yes, Lola runs it.

20140826_092741 eLola waiting for her mom to return after she stepped out to run a quick errand.

20140827_121836 sSeeing all my books in the display window at Seranya Art Boutique promoting awareness for our local humane society.

IMG_2108 sI love sitting in my chair on the deck and seeing the reflection of my writing cottage in my patio doors.

20140828_132324 sMiss G and I enjoyed lunch out together at one of our favorite places.

20140831_134603 16Lunch date with my Johnnie.

Annoyed at the “Heavy” Comforter & then it Turned into My Joyful Pause Moment.

g in comforter 12Cleaning the house isn’t my favorite thing to do. Well, maybe I should say this differently. I don’t mind cleaning, but often times there are other things I’d rather be doing. I think most of us can relate to this.

On the positive side of it though, my house is only 1,000 square feet, so it’s really not all that time consuming. But I could feel myself rushing it today, wanting to get it over and done with. Gidget was hot on my heels as she normally is when I clean. She’s so used to being able to sleep in her little bed at my feet when I am in my writing cottage working, so on cleaning day she does not quite know what to do with herself.

I was busy scurrying around in the bedroom, taking off the bedding so I could get it in the washer and then hang it on the line. The comforter being a king size I have to take to the local laundromat, which was in the plan for today.

My attitude wasn’t the best as I continued to “hurry” and get everything done so I could get on with what makes me happy. As I went to pick up the comforter it felt heavy and I couldn’t lift it into the wicker basket.

I tugged some more, wondering what the heck it might be stuck on. And then I saw the sweetest little face peeking out at me. I didn’t even realize Gidget was no longer behind me, but had quietly burrowed into the comforter for a quick “cat” nap.

“Awe, you little stinker,” I said. “You are just too dang cute!”

I knelt down by her and held her little face in my hands and then pet her soft body. “” I know. You are right. Mama needs to slow down and not be in a hurry.”

The comforter could wait to go to the laundromat a bit longer. It was time to take a “joyful pause” moment and remember the important things and moments in life.

And I’m happy to say the bedding is all clean, back on the bed, house is sparkling clean, Gidget is napping next to me, and an impromptu dinner on our deck with my dear friend, Victoria will be in order for this evening. Life is good.