joyful paws journal

Saying Goodbye to Joyful Paws “Blog”


I was up early this morning and caught this photo of the moon as I looked out the west side of my writing cottage window. Two words on my brain lately are New Beginnings. Capturing this photo spoke that to me.

Speaking of new beginnings…I’m saying goodbye to Joyful Paws blog. Before you panic and think I’m leaving you, my dear readers, rest assured, that is not the case. I adore each of you for being a part of my life!

As I continue to evolve in my creativity, I recently came across an article that really spoke to me titled, “The Trouble with Blogging.” Writer, Esme, talks about how “blogging is something that, according to hundreds of self-proclaimed online experts, has definitive best practices.” She also mentions how it is also plays into SEO search results and achieving the goal of others signing up for your newsletters, buying your courses or services.

Ever since I began writing, first for my local paper, and then taking it online, and writing my books, it has always been about making a difference. I’ve been about encouraging and inspiring others. This is what matters to me. It also matters to me to leave a positive legacy behind.

While yes, I welcome those reading my thoughts to check out what else I have to offer, I also truly enjoy coming to my little spot right here on the wide world web several times a week to write. I don’t necessarily have a “set” schedule of days I will share something, but I can say, I look so forward to coming here often.

The past seven years my writing has been about how animals play a huge part in my life, helping me to become the person I am today. That remains and I have a pretty strong feeling it always will.  Animals are such an important part of my soul and who I am!

But I feel like I’ve evolved over time, incorporating writing about other ideas and thoughts that intrigue or inspire me, of which I’ve been sharing here on my website (with my built in blog) for awhile now.

I’ve also been giving thought to the fact that I don’t always like to go with the flow of how things “should” be, but rather, what feels right for me, and speaks to the heart of who I am.

I’ve learned so much from a mentor of mine and many on-line classes I’ve taken from him for the past three years. It also goes back to my being coached in 2005 and taking the time to give thought to how I want to play a part in this world.

Making a difference. Building Meaningful Relationships. Leaving a Legacy. This is what is so important to me.

Maybe this is a huge round about way of sharing something that might seem quite simple in regards to the change of a mere word, but for me it encompasses a lot of depth of how I want to continue to evolve in what is authentically me.

So I’m saying goodbye to the word blog.  I will now call this place of my own, with you my faithful readers who come to visit me, Joyful Paws Journal. Because I consider this a place to express my personal thoughts and encourage others to pause and listen to their inner voice, and embrace the wisdom of our animal friends to live a more meaningful life. I also especially love Esme’s definition of journal which is — A journal is something that permits, and often expects, experimentation.

And when I think of experimentation it brings up the words creativity and play for me. Writing is that for me and also how I can share freely what it is I wish to express.

So WELCOME to Joyful Paws Journal, those who have faithfully followed me for years, and those new here. I appreciate and value each and every one of you… and here’s to New Beginnings.

Please feel free to leave a comment…

Frog Check

Before sitting down on our Adirondack chairs I say, “Frog check!”  It never fails that we find Mr. Frog on one or the other chair tucked under the cushion.  I then gently scoop him up and put her near the bird bath that is near by.  Then he looks at me as if to say, “Hey, I’m a tree frog, not a water frog!” Then he hops away, but I know he will always return.  I kinda like the little guy.  He has really become part of the family this summer which makes me think I should give him a name.  I think I shall call him Mr. Green Jeans.  What do you think?