life coaching

Setting Sail For New Horizons and a New Volunteer/Mentoring Opportunity

2014-06-08 16.26.47In April I had the opportunity to sit down with some of the young ladies and staff that make up Horizons4Girls, which is a non-profit organization in our area “helping young women navigate life’s road map.”

Their mission statement:  “Horizons4Girls works to help young women discover, in a safe setting, the options they have as they travel through life. Horizons provides a listening ear while working to stop at-risk behaviors. Horizons, while working with family, teachers, social workers and others, works to surround the student with a supportive and safe setting to fully develop necessary life skills as they continue into their adulthood.”

During our time together I shared with them my story which has led me to where I am today. We discussed everything from body image, worrying what others think of our choices, writing, judgement and following your heart. Gidget made a special appearance with me that day also and we talked about her disc disease, sharing with them that it does not define her.

Horizons4Girls helps these young ladies through staff and volunteer mentors with life skills, incorporating creativity in a variety of expressions, as well as involving them in community services.

A few weeks ago, Linda, who is on the Board of Directors, asked me if I’d consider being a volunteer/mentor. I have to say that I was quite honored, but I must also admit that I was nervous. Do I have what it takes to make a positive impact on these young ladies? It feels like a big responsibility.

But I was open to learning more, so I met with Founder, Char and Linda last week. They shared a few heartwarming stories of how the organization is making a difference in many young lives. I was even brought to tears from one of the stories.  While I didn’t make my decision that day, as I said I needed a day to think about it, I drove home knowing 99% I want to give this a try.

I’ve agreed to volunteer once a month for the next 6-12 months. A part of me is still nervous, but I’m also excited about this new opportunity. This, for me, is a sign that I want to try and see where it may lead. While yes, I am still nervous, I’m looking forward to my training Friday afternoon.

As I’ve shared on my blog before, I’ve been a part of a women’s group for the last 16-weeks called “Unwrapping the True Self” which has been so beneficial for my continued growth. Often during the discussions we have, I think of young women trying to make their way in the world today and how so much of what we learn in this setting could help them. So I hope to take what I’ve learned (and am continuing to learn), and be a positive example for Horizons4Girls and living from your true authentic self.

My first role this Thursday evening is helping plan a one day retreat for the girls, with Linda, and a life coach from the area, who has also volunteered her time.  So here we go!

Joy Is: Being Inspired by Other Writer’s

When I hired life coach, Diane Krause-Stetson to help me figure out what I wanted for my life to bring me more joy, to which I discovered would be writing and animals, she gave me the gift of sharing a wonderful book with me. The book was Create Your Writer’s Life: A Guide to Writing With Joy and Ease, by Cynthia Morris.

Coaching with Diane, and this book, started my path to where I am today… and oh, what joy it has been! Well, ok, some bumps along the way, but that is what life is about, right?  But staying in tune with what makes me happy, as well as being inspired by others keeps me on the right track.  I’ve worked with Cynthia via different programs she has offered and each and every time I’ve been propelled to a new level in my writing, as well as how I see myself as a person.

Cynthia Morris is one of my biggest inspirations.  I look forward to her blog posts each and every week- especially her video posts. Her authenticity is so refreshing and I find myself sometimes wanting to be a Cynthia wanna-be!

If you are of the creative type, I invite you to discover Cynthia’s website and blog for yourself.  Being inspired by other writer’s sometimes gives me that extra push that I need when I find myself procrastinating.  Joy is being inspired by Cynthia and connecting with other creative people which always awakens my muse!