
Valentine’s Day at Our House- No Gifts or Cards


 Chickie took 1st place at Paws-a-Palooza in FL for her Valentine’s Day Chick costume

Yesterday I received this photo of Chickie and a few more which you can see on Facebook on National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day page.   Chickie belongs to Kevin.  I’ve never met Kevin, but consider him a friend because of our love of wheelie dogs.

The sweet photo of Chickie made me think of Valentine’s Day coming up tomorrow. John and I no longer buy gifts or cards for each other and haven’t for quite a few years. I’m not against Valentine’s Day as after all it is about love. But what I don’t care for is the pressure to do something or buy something for the one you love.

I didn’t always feel this way. Years ago I’d get so upset if John forgot, or if he would ask me what I wanted. I just wanted to be surprised and not asked– and to quote the Nike ad, Just do it.  

I’m not really sure what changed, but over time it just didn’t matter to me anymore. I love my life with John. We have so much fun together just about every day. And I’m not going to say it’s Valentine’s Day every day around here, but for the most part, we ebb and flow quite nicely.

It’s also been so heart warming to me to see John expand in this thoughts and love for Frankie and now Joie. One of the best gifts he has given to me is his understanding that my soul needs to care for these special pups- this is who I am- this is what makes my heart sing.

Not only that, he has supported my dreams of writing my children’s books and now my new book. He is the main bread winner as I try to make my way in the publishing world. He also supports my mission and my passion for my continuing efforts of wanting to educate others about IVDD as well as bringing a positive face and voice to dogs in wheelchairs. To me, this is love. No cards or gifts could convey this to me but his actions and support of all that I do.

So this Valentine’s Day I will likely take a moment to say an extra grateful thank you for the love of my life, my sweet Johnnie. And I’ll also hug and kiss Kylie and Joie a few more times than usual… if that is even possible.  <WINK>

Frankie’s Visit to Froedert Hospital


Froedert hospital is a big complex in a city about 1 1/2 hours from where we live.  We had a request from Lisa, to visit her Dad, Dick, who suffered his 2nd stroke three months to the day of recovering from his first.  He was admitted to the hospital on his 72nd birthday.  He was pretty down and out when Lisa called asking if I could bring Frankie for a visit.

Dick loves Dachshunds, as does Lisa and her family.  Corky is Dick’s 5-year old doxie buddy who is anxiously awaiting the return of Dick to his home. They live about 2 1/2 hours from Lisa, so Corky and Dick have formed quite a bond.  To be apart is hard on both of them.

As Frankie and I rolled through the many halls of the large hospital, as usually happens, we were met with many smiles, giggles, and “look at the dog in a wheelchair!”  We made our way to the 5th floor and rolled down to room 15.  Dick, Lisa, her husband, and set of 5th grade twin girls were awaiting our arrival.  As Frankie strutted through the open door, Dick looked down and smiled.

What a wonderful family!  You could feel the caring and love in that room and it felt good to be there to bring some more joy.  I placed Frankie on Dick’s lap, where she began her ritual of grooming his hands and arm.  The arm she chose to groom was Dick’s right arm, of which he currently has no feeling.  As the hour wore on and we talked there was a moment when Lisa said, “Dad, you just lifted your hand.  Did you feel that?”  He didn’t. But his hand did lift and lay back down.  I said, “Oh, that must be because of the Dachshund juice.”  All Frankie’s lovin’ just might have been the right medicine at the moment.  Hope he will recover and be reunited soon with his sweet friend, Corky.

It is continually a blessing to share Frankie with others, especially those that need a little extra caring and love at the moment… to see the smile of Dick, the joy in his daughter’s eyes, the love of a family holding each other together through a tough situation.  To be a part of that circle for a moment in time is an honor.

Frankie and I are praying for you, Dick!  Be strong and keep the faith!!  Oh, and Frankie says, “Arf-a-roo!”