making a difference

Making a Difference. Being Open to New Opportunities.

IMG_2026 gSilly Gidget seems to take her bed with her wherever she goes lately. This weekend she came walking into the kitchen, her bed attached to her back end. Cracks me up every time and I call her “The Queen” when this happens.

The “Queen” and I have a wonderful event this afternoon that I’m looking forward to. When I had Joie, the Horizons 4 Girls non profit group in our area had approached me to bring Joie in and talk with the girls. We had set up a time, but then unfortunately, I had to cancel after Joie died. I just wasn’t up to make the visit after losing her.

Horizons 4 Girls mentors middle and high school girls and this is what it says on their Facebook page:  young women are offered mentoring, study skills / techniques. As family life, peer pressure, and educational expectations become more of a challenge for young women, they are often looking for personalized assistance with their studies and life decisions. The opportunity to explore ever changing career options is made available as part of what Horizons4Girls does. Giving the young women a variety of speakers, presenters and potential role models we help them to develop their own personal goals.

We hadn’t rescheduled, but a few months ago when I ran a special price for my book, “Through Frankie’s Eyes” I received an email from the director that she was interested in purchasing a copy of my book.

After I read her note, I had an idea come over me! I’ve been missing my volunteer work with Frankie and at times wishing I could do something again to make a difference in the way Frankie and I did. But I’ve not really pushed it as I’m not sure what it is exactly that I want to do, while also I’ve been busy working on my new book and projects. Fitting something in weekly right now, may be out of the question.

But getting this note sparked an idea in me. I wrote back and asked the director how many girls are in the group. She wrote back and told me 12 girls. I was so excited as I wrote back to her and said, “I would like to do something that I think will be fun. I’d like to donate a copy of my book to each of the girls. Then why don’t we set up a time in about two months and have our own Book Club discussion around the themes in my book?”

The director wrote back and was so grateful for the idea and the books for the girls. So later this afternoon I’ll be meeting with them. I’m really looking forward to our discussion. It will be sweet to have Gidget along for the ride too to add her own unique, twist to our gathering.

Love, Ducks, and Making a Difference

2014-03-20 13.21.16 eI was feeling kind of down today. Nothing in particular, but rather a few little things that have been bothering me. Plus the sun has not been out for about 6-7 days. I was feeling rather melancholy.

The thought popped into my head, Take a walk along Lake Michigan. I pushed it away. It popped up again. I pushed it away. Well, this went on and on all morning. Okay, Okay, I thought!  Stop pestering me. I decided to finish my work and then head out.

Then the song “Happy” by Pharrell Williams popped into my mind. So I downloaded it to my ipod.

I honestly don’t remember if I ever walked along the lake front. If I did, it was a long time ago. But the impulse was strong and I figured I best follow it. And quite honestly, I was getting tired of feeling sad and like I wanted to jump out of my skin.

Thirty minutes later I arrived and parked. The sun was trying to peek out, but was still cloudy. I bundled up and started to walk north.

I hit play on my ipod for Pharrell’s song to begin playing. If you’ve not heard the song before, I include the video below. Just try and not “be happy and clap along.”

The seagulls flying above, a soft wind, and Happy song in my ears, before I knew it, my spirit began to lift.

As I walked further, I came across a dear little grandma and grandpa feeding the ducks. The back of the trunk of their car was open and I could see a big bucket where they kept the food for the ducks.

They looked so sweet and happy throwing seed to the ducks who were quacking and chasing after it.  Watching them with Happy blaring away in my ears (I played it over and over), I felt my spirit soar even higher. Here these two people were in their own way, making a difference on this cloudy, cool day—the first day of spring, in the life of these ducks.

Now really happy, I felt like dancing down the rest of the path and back again. I picked up my pace, enjoyed the wind blowing through my hair, inhaled the fresh air, smiled, and felt grateful for a simple pleasure that just changed my whole attitude. And then the sun came out.

Who’d of thunk, after how I felt this morning that I’d be just about me dancing in my chair as I write this post, listening to Happy again.

Sometimes all it takes, is taking that first step, and listening to that impulse when you you feel down and out…. to feel “happy and clap along!”

Bench Time with John. Making a Difference. Catching the Sunrise.

sunrise eIt has been about three months now since our young friend, Cassy has been renting our lower level from us. I rather hate to even say she is renting from us because she really has become part of our family.

Just about every morning John and Cassy sit together, coffee mugs in hand, and sit on the bench in front of our house. That bench has never gotten so much use in all the years it has sat so still through the seasons.  The stories it could now tell!

Cassy lovingly calls this time “Bench time with John.” While there are times I’d love to join them, my yoga morning time is precious to me. Cassy respects and honors that. Besides, I love the fact that John is able to be there for Cassy in a way that is making a difference in both their lives.

When I married John almost 29 years ago I’ll never forget the pastor saying that I would have to work hard to get John to share his feelings . He tends to hold things in. I also used to kid John that I made him love me and the pets we’ve had because at times he was afraid to let anyone in. But I’ve gotten good at knowing he will tell me things that may be bothering him in due time. His right time. He always does.

I think I can now speak honestly here that John has learned to be more open, not afraid to share his feelings. It has been a beautiful thing to watch unfold over the years. But what really has me in awe is watching how he has been there for Cassy.  He has been in her shoes in the trenches of trying to run a business. He understand the traps, the pitfalls, the triumphs, the passion.

While he is making a difference in the life of Cassy helping steer the ship of her business in a new and positive direction, the difference Cassy has made in his life is hard to put in just the right words. I’ve witnessed a side of John I’ve not seen before. His heart glows through in all he does and says lately. He is really enjoying helping another person succeed.

It can be scary to let another person into your life for fear of expectations and disappointment. Everyone has to be on board with understanding each others quirks and needs. But when things come together as they have with Cassy living with us as well as accepting our guidance, making a difference becomes a beautiful thing for everyone. That difference then ripples out into the world and though we never know where it may land, we trust that it finds its way.

While I don’t get to catch the sunrise as John and Cassy do during their bench time (Cassy got the shot above!), I am warmed full up with love for both of them and the positive impact this time together is having on all our lives.