meaningful life

My Zen Writing Cottage. Phase Two Begins – Nine Years Later.

My Zen Writing Cottage. Phase Two Begins - Nine Years Later.

You know the saying, “Good things come to those who wait?”

It was late summer 2007 when my dear John built me my writing cottage. A place of my own, off the corner of our deck. My private sanctuary to listen to the birds, write, feel connected to the world, or just a quiet place where I can think or just be.

The world turned upside down in 2008 when the economy sunk to an all time low. We were so scared, like many, that we may lose so many of the things we worked so hard for – John’s construction business or our home, or both.

We had to make some difficult decisions regarding our retirement savings, but we couldn’t risk losing the home we had come to love so dearly- our safe haven.

This also meant any landscaping we wanted to do, plus a white picket fence I wanted around my writing cottage, had to be put on hold.

It didn’t matter. We had a roof over our heads. We learned to cut even more from our personal overhead expense and from the construction business overhead. And we knew we were so much better off than many. We had nothing to complain about. We would do what we needed to survive.

Though there was much uncertainty and at times scary, we grew by leaps and bounds. Our determination and love grew stronger. We were a team and planned to stay one, no matter what.

And today as I sit in my writing cottage, the Pandora radio station playing Tuscany instrumental music, the wind blowing a brisk breeze for May, the sun shining, and the birds a flutter outside my window, Gidget curled up on the wicker chair next to me, I give thanks for the life I have.

Just outside the long five foot windows of my writing cottage, my heart smiles as John puts skirting around the bottom of my cottage. And this week if all goes as scheduled, the landscaping with an English garden theme will begin.

The long wait, though frustrating at times, has made it all the sweeter. And oh, how I look forward to the warm days ahead to see the flowers blooming all around me as a warm breeze will soon blow through the open windows too– and I shall be sitting here in complete bliss inside this sacred space that means the world to me.

And I picture myself a bit like Tasha Tudor, who loved to walk around her flowers for a little break in her day, a corgi or two in the lead.

Tasha Tudor

I do believe I just might think I’ve died and gone to heaven!

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Moments I’m Reminded that I AM a Part of God/Spirit/Source

Moments I'm Reminded that I AM a Part of God/Spirit/Source

It’s so easy to see God/Spirit/Source in nature and our animal friends. Not always so easy to see it in ourselves. We can get so caught up in our minds instead of living from our hearts and in our body.

But there are beautiful moments when I’m reminded once again that I too am a part of God/Spirit/Source.

Especially afternoons when the sun is streaming in through the kitchen window. I feel like I catch a glimpse of this essence we can’t see, but can feel if we really tune in.

And I really feel it in moments like this when I see Gidget in the rays of the sunshine as if lit from the inside, out.

It brings me right back to the center of how one should really live in order to experience pure joy. It’s an inside job that will reflect on the outside when we are living from our true essence. Animals live this in every waking moment.

Yesterday I had an amazing experience of working with the spirit of horse at my friend Pam’s horse farm. I’m still simmering in all the gifts of that time before I write about it.

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I Won’t Argue My “She Shed.” Living a Meaningful and Creative Life.

I Won't Argue My "She Shed." Living a Meaningful and Creative Life.
Barbara Techel’s writing cottage.

Last week I was tagged in a few posts of highly visible Facebook pages that featured my “She Shed” which many of you know is really what I call my writing cottage. It seems that the video piece done by CBS 5 out of Milwaukee, done last June, has gone viral.

She Shed is the term someone came up with and the media has taken off with it. As I’ve written before, it’s not a term I really care for – but it’s the idea that I support.

With high visibility comes snarky comments from others such as “It’s too cluttered,” “I couldn’t live in something that small,” and comments that it’s a waste of money and will soon be abandoned.

I found myself wanting to argue the point of why I feel so blessed to have this space of my own. But after giving it careful thought, I refrained. To be fair, there were many lovely comments, too. But it seems many didn’t take the time to read the story and watch the video as they would have realized what it is truly all about.

But I don’t have to prove anything to those that have something negative to say. This is my life and how I choose to live it. If someone does not agree with it, well, that is their choice.

But in a world of “viral” and many behind the screen of a computer, it’s easy to fire off comments without thinking and ones that can hurt. But then I realized I have a choice as to how I deal with them. I don’t need to.

I have so many other ways in which to use my energy in a positive way. And exactly why I’m honored to have this space of my own where I spend many days writing, sharing my love of animals and my quest for living a simple, creative, and meaningful life.

If my thoughts written in my books and on my blog encourage others to follow their hearts, well then I’m living to my full potential as that is one of my greatest rewards when this happens.

My life (or this space where I work and create) isn’t an argument. It’s one in which I make the choices that are right for me. And it’s one that most days I end with a happy and fulfilling heart. It’s my hope that other’s can do the same and find what matters most to them.

And exactly why I am excited to know that my “She Shed” has gone viral — as it is my hope that it will inspire more women to listen to their own inner voices and follow what will make their hearts most happy.

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