
A Poem: Our Bench of Memories

the bench

This bench outside our olive green cottage home,

held none, then one,

to two, then three.


Within its wooden slats,

wrought iron arms and back,

echoes of laughter still ring,

tears also shed, but washed away and absorbed into the earth below,

moments of life’s contemplation’s worked through,

problems dissolved away,

a channel of love opened,

and hearts expanded.


Many a sunrise caught,

sitting upon this bench.

The light of a fresh day filtering through the trees observed in a new way,

the warmth of the sun kissed our skin,

and the many full moons left us in awe with the promise of a new day.


From three, then two,

to one, and now none,

our bench now rests in the season of stillness.


The landscape before it bare, while a hush of quiet falls all around it.

The full moon still making an appearance during crisp nights,

blanketing our bench with memories still warm in our hearts,

and the promise of hope of new beginnings,

in the next season of our lives.

Merry Christmas From Our Home to Yours (Wagging Tails and All!)

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Dear Friends,

I share with you a special Christmas letter of short captions and photos I’ve put together!

It is memories and experiences that make our lives meaningful.

 My wish for you this holiday season, and always, are memories to warm your heart and new experiences to enrich your life.

Merry Christmas and all the best in 2014!

2014 brought many blessings, a few goodbyes, and some wonderful welcomes…

January 2013:  We welcomed my brother, Keith, home after serving nine months in Afghanistan. We are so proud of his service, and all the men and women who continue to serve.

February 2013: I published my memoir, Through Frankie’s Eyes: One woman’s journey to her authentic self and the dog on wheels who led the way.

May 2013:  We welcomed our dear friend, Cassy Tully, into our home, guiding her through a major life transition. In the process, little did we know, we’d become our special definition of a family.

July 14, 2013: We said goodbye to my Uncle Dale—one of the hardest working men we ever knew!

July 18, 2013: I turned 50!  Something I embraced with open arms and am so happy to have arrived—not everyone is lucky enough to say that.

August 2013: Joie had the amazing opportunity to play her cute self in wheels in the film, “The Surface.” Filmed in Mequon by producer Jeff Gendelman and directed by Gil Cates, Jr. It was the opportunity of a lifetime! Though her part is very short (no pun intended!) she will represent all dogs in wheelchairs around the world when the movie comes out in theatres later in 2014.

August 22, 2013:  Just a little over a week after being on the set of the movie, we had to say goodbye to our sweet, little Joie.  Complications we were unaware of when we adopted her came without much warning. Though our hearts broke, we did the most humane thing for her and set her free. She was such a gift.

September 2013:  Our “little bird,” Cassy, decided to spread her wings and fly out on her own into a little apartment of her own. Shortly after that, we all took a memorable trip to Door County, giving thanks for all the blessings of the summer, and reminisced in how we all grew in many ways!

October 2013:  A fun-filled trip was made to Asheville, North Carolina.  We had a blast!

October 2013:  Kylie weighs in at 80 pounds- down from 105 pounds in December 2012.  Her secret?  A change in lighter food and no longer “cleaning” plates.

October and November 2013:  John gave of his time and talent building Cassy’s dream of a new studio and custom frame shop.

November 14, 2013:  We welcomed a new special needs dachshund into our lives—Gidget! And yes, as you already know– she has stolen our hearts!

November 17, 2013:  John and I celebrated 29 years of marriage!

November 21, 2013: We welcomed a woodstove into our little cottage. Ever since we visited Vermont two years ago, staying in an 800 ft. rental cottage with a woodstove, we dreamed of adding one to our cozy home.  We love it!

December 2013:  We were proud to showcase the talent of John and his craftsmanship of Cassy Tully – Fine Art during Cassy’s Grand Opening.

As always, I continue to be so very grateful for your support in reading my blog and books, as well as your support of my mission and special needs pets.

Wishing you a beautiful Christmas!

With gratitude and Love,


Walking Down Memory Lane Today Preparing for My Book Launch

frankie legacy studios shot from behind

 Photo credit:  Legacy Studios

I’m preparing for my book launch which will be held at the Plymouth Arts Center in a nearby town only six miles from my home. It will be on Thursday, Feb. 28th.  Part of what I’m putting together is a slide show that I’ll have running on a loop for the evening on my laptop.  I’m planning on a short talk, selected reading, Q & A and then a book signing. Joie will also be on hand to meet everyone.

I’m happy to say that I’ve been smiling during the process of looking through photos to include in the slide show. I’m also amazed at everything Frankie and I did together. Pictures really do tell the story. I do wish I could have gotten more photos when we visited over 400 schools and libraries in person and via Skype. But it’s tough when you are dealing with kids and sharing photos via the Internet. So those memories I carry in my heart.

The above photo is one of my favorite and was taken by a local photographer. I plan to use this as the last photo of the slide show.  I believe Frankie has just moved on into another realm and that someday I’ll see her again. So this photo reminds me of that as if she is saying, “We will meet again one day. Have no doubt.”

I know many of you that follow along on my blog are not from the area and won’t be able to attend the book launch. I’m going to see about having the slide show available for you to see so you can feel like you were actually a part of the launch… and after all, many of you were very much a part of our journey. I’m so thankful for each and everyone of you for your support so I’ll see what I can do about sharing the slide show with you too.