Walking Down Memory Lane Today Preparing for My Book Launch

frankie legacy studios shot from behind

 Photo credit:  Legacy Studios

I’m preparing for my book launch which will be held at the Plymouth Arts Center in a nearby town only six miles from my home. It will be on Thursday, Feb. 28th.  Part of what I’m putting together is a slide show that I’ll have running on a loop for the evening on my laptop.  I’m planning on a short talk, selected reading, Q & A and then a book signing. Joie will also be on hand to meet everyone.

I’m happy to say that I’ve been smiling during the process of looking through photos to include in the slide show. I’m also amazed at everything Frankie and I did together. Pictures really do tell the story. I do wish I could have gotten more photos when we visited over 400 schools and libraries in person and via Skype. But it’s tough when you are dealing with kids and sharing photos via the Internet. So those memories I carry in my heart.

The above photo is one of my favorite and was taken by a local photographer. I plan to use this as the last photo of the slide show.  I believe Frankie has just moved on into another realm and that someday I’ll see her again. So this photo reminds me of that as if she is saying, “We will meet again one day. Have no doubt.”

I know many of you that follow along on my blog are not from the area and won’t be able to attend the book launch. I’m going to see about having the slide show available for you to see so you can feel like you were actually a part of the launch… and after all, many of you were very much a part of our journey. I’m so thankful for each and everyone of you for your support so I’ll see what I can do about sharing the slide show with you too.