Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day to All Moms. Six Words for Mine.

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I came across a video called Six-Word MOMoirs, Six-words on motherhood. You can view it below and I think you will smile and chuckle.

But first, six words for my mom which came to me almost right away. I really didn’t have to think too long. These six words, when I think of my mom have brought me comfort, assurance, confidence, sweetness and most of all love.

So this is for you mom…

Tuck’s my hair behind my ears. -Barbara Techel

Ever since I can remember, when I felt sad, or was upset or sick, the thing that made it all better is when my mom with the most gentle of a mom’s touch, would softly tuck my hair behind my ears.

It always seemed to make things better. Every. Single. Time.

It still does. Even when she writes it in an email to me if I’ve had a bad day or struggling with something. I can feel it. And it softly lingers there for days filling my heart with the deepest and purest of love that there is—a mom’s love.

Nothing quite like it. I love you, Mom.

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It Wasn’t My Choice to Be a Mom or To Have a Paralyzed Dog

For many, many years I couldn’t understand why I never had the instinct to want to have children of my own. I carried a shame in my heart around that for a very long time. It wasn’t until I was in my early 40s and Frankie became paralyzed that I realized God had other plans for me.

Frankie becoming paralyzed wasn’t my choice either. It was hard to imagine how my life would change when the prognosis came when she was six years old that she would likely never walk again. Caring for her would be somewhat like caring for an infant child. It seemed cruel and unfair to me that I was being handed this challenge.

It wasn’t my choice to be a Mom or to have a paralyzed dog, but reflecting back on that today I have absolutely no doubt this was how my life was to play out. As hard as it was to imagine how I would take care of Frankie after her paralysis, it was harder yet to imagine what blessings would come of it.

It wasn’t my choice to be a Mom or have a paralyzed dog, but it was my choice to look for the blessing in the challenge that lay ahead with Frankie in a wheelchair. It was my choice to follow my heart and write Frankie’s story and share her with young children. That choice led me to realizing God’s bigger plan for me which was being a mentor to thousands of children.  Though I’ll never remember all their names, I’ll forever carry all of them in my heart. A part of each child I have met along the way because of Frankie will always be with me.

So on this Mother’s Day I no longer carry a shame in my heart, but give thanks for the Mom’s who were meant to be, and for the unfolding of my life as it was meant to be.

Happy Mother’s Day

A special thank you to Dayna (Mom to Sparkles the Fire Safety Dog) for getting this shot of me and Frankie

Though I have never had children, which my husband I made the choice to not have kids, I realize I was destined to be a mom to pets.  I used to think something was “wrong” with me that I never had an inkling to want children of my own.

Now don’t get me wrong.  I love kids!  I just love everyone else’s kids.  And I now realize I was meant to be mom to Frankie and share her with children– which in turn has given me many children.  Every child that Frankie helps is so rewarding to me.  I have so many wonderful letters from kids Frankie and I have visited with.  Many children have hugged me and thanked me for bringing Frankie to their schools- what a feeling that is when that happens!

Just the other day a mom told me how her son still talks about Frankie- and it was almost two years ago that we visited his school.  That makes this “pet mom” so happy and so proud.

So to all you Mom’s out there, whether you have the human kind or furry kind of kids, I wish you the best Mother’s Day ever.  May it be filled with the sweetest moments that make your hearts sing.

And to my Mom, who is the BEST MOM in the WHOLE WORLD, I love you so much!  You are my dearest friend and your love and support of me keeps my wings open and sturdy so that I can continue to fly and be the best me.  I’m so incredibly grateful you are my mom.

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