Me and my wooden doll who has an uncanny resemblance to the “Wild Woman” card from the Mystical Shaman Oracle deck.
Just the other day, a flash of remembrance flew across my mind.
I was pretty sure she was still there. But would she remember me? Down the stairs I flew to my studio, which has been vacant for most of the year.
She still stood exactly where I’d left her — off to the side of the large window that looks out over my rock garden. She hadn’t changed a bit, made of sturdy wood, colorful paints, soft feathers, and her feathered friends perched in her hair and hands.
I can’t recall exactly when, but it was well over ten years ago I made her. It was a mother-daughter outing spent with an artist who taught us the art of making these unique dolls.
Looking at my doll with the blue-green eyes and wild hair, named Eartha Azure, I wondered if she’d been a mirror to my subconscious that held the tale of what was to come.
I scooped her in my arms and happily marched her out to my writing cottage, its space full of light with windows that grace every side.
It was on my 55th birthday this past July during a practice session with a fellow Oracle School student that she pulled the “Wild Woman” card for me from the Mystical Shaman Oracle deck. I still recall how my hand flew to my heart. It hit home.
The card and the wooden doll a reflection of who I’ve worked diligently to become with a major leap I’d taken this year.
A year of going inward to embrace the parts of my inner child that needed to be acknowledged, heard, and healed. Hugging that little girl before I drifted off to sleep one night telling her I’d always be here for her. She was safe and I loved her.
It was then, that Wild Woman began to emerge little-by-little. She was bravely making herself known. She no longer wanted to live in the dark. She was ready to be seen.
She was ready to show others who she was becoming and who she had become—embracing all of who she is as she stepped into the light and claimed her space in the world, no longer afraid.
That Wild Woman is me, but my friend, it is also you. I know she lives within you and she is strong and beautiful. And I just wanted you to know.
What is it we most need to know to embrace our Wild Woman?
P.S. Come join me on Facebook if you’d like more wisdom and guidance from Oracles!
Some of my dreams of late have been filled with a relationship I’d thought I’d completely let go of. Today I woke up frustrated that yet another dream last night had me wrestling with trying to understand what had happened and why couldn’t I just let this go for good.
After my morning meditation, I grabbed my journal and asked what it was I needed to know to completely let go of this person who left from my life quite a few years ago. Pulling an oracle card from the Mystical Shaman Oracle, one of my favorite decks to work with, I received, The Hummingbird.
I felt my frustration melt. Hummingbird so significant for me in the deep knowing I experienced in 2012, two weeks after my dachshund, Frankie passed, and she visited me as a hummingbird, fluttering within inches of my face for several seconds. It still makes my heart expand to this day recalling that beautiful moment.
Before turning to the guide book I journaled that hummingbird was sharing with me that I won’t have peace, joy or freedom if I hold onto resentment in that this relationship had ended in such an abrupt and hurtful-to-me way. I realized that if this person had stayed in my life, it would have been restrictive because I felt that not only did it feel like I gave more than received, but also in that I gave much of my power away, also.
Turning to the booklet what really jumped out at me was the line, “Hummingbird teaches us to be gentle to ourselves and protect personal space.”
I was reminded that, of course, I have a choice of whether or not I allow that relationship to continue to take up space within my inner world.
Additional insight said, “Bypass the dung pile of old pain and hurts, head for flowers, and learn to trust the calling you hear ever so softly.”
So true, I thought. It is indeed time for me to take flight away from this old wound. If I stay living in that story, I won’t have the energy to fulfill my new mission as an Oracle Guide.
As I sat in contemplation a bit longer another oracle card which has been showing up often lately for me from the same deck, Wild Woman, showed itself to me quite vividly in my mind. She is the woman I have the choice to claim each and every day.
I choose to live in the here and now, and see that past relationship as a gift, in that if I’d still be there, I’d not have had learned what I needed to in order to evolve into who I now am.
“Still your mind and heed the gentle voice that calls to you to test new wings.”
So many experiences in our lives are indeed part of helping us test our wings, so that we can continue to gain more confidence with who we already are. I’m thankful for the poignant message, and just what I need to hear today, from Hummingbird.
My neighbors pretty egg tree with tufts of snow tucked among the branches
The calendar says April 4th. But looking outside it says January. Eggs and snow – oh no! As positive as I try to be, I’ll be honest… I was grumbling this morning when I woke to see this big drift outside my bedroom patio door.
This magical door that takes me to my sanctuary – my cozy writing cottage. I’d first have to tackle this heap of snow. I wasn’t too happy.
The snow didn’t really start falling until mid-afternoon yesterday and I’d thought perhaps we escaped what they were predicting. But overnight the majority of it came along with the wind. Even the little birdhouses on my writing cottage reflect a whopper of a snowstorm. This morning on the news the weather gal reported that our little village of 950, Elkhart Lake, now holds the record for the most snow on this date.
I bundled up, though was still grumbling and hoping my dear, sweet hubby would come to the rescue and shovel a path to my writing cottage. But alas, he had enough to contend with the front of the house. So silently I said to myself, Buck up, Buttercup!
As I dug into the drift of snow, I reflected on how I’d enjoyed watching the birds around dinner time last night. I’d sat in my yellow spindle antique chair, and snapped a few photos, smiling with delight that this simple pleasure brought me.
Don’t you just love the little footprints in the snow?Mrs. (or Mr!) Morning Dove puffed up to stay warmI love the heart with this little Junco
Before I knew it, the task at hand was done. All that grumbling I did took longer than it did to shovel. As I write this an image of my grandma P. popped into my mind. When I was little I remember when I’d do something naughty (who me?) how she’d wag her index finger back and forth in front of my round face and say, ” That’ll do. That’ll do.” Which really meant, NOT to do.
The shoveling made it all the sweeter to step inside my quaint, warm writing cottage. Pulling up a chair to do my journaling with my oracle cards, I felt myself melt into this space that means so much to me.
View once inside my writing cottage
I appreciate and find it fascinating more and more everyday seeing the world in all it’s symbolism, and the message and reflection I was about to receive was in alignment of what I needed most in the moment.
I’m working with a new deck called, Mystical Shaman Oracleby Alberto Villoldo, Colette Baron-Reid, and Marcela Lobos. I just have to tell you…I absolutely love this deck! Beside the fact the images are gorgeous, I’ve been attracted for many years now to the indigenous teachings. Plus my love of all things mystical combined with these teachings, this is fast becoming my new favorite deck.
As I do each morning, I ask a question about something I’m feeling challenged by, or if I don’t really have anything that seems too pressing, I just ask a general question. Today I asked: What is in my highest good on this snowy and windy April day?
The first card I pulled was my anchor card or can also be called the theme for the reading. The second card I asked what it is that needs to be my focus for the day. Sometimes when I pick the first card I know right away the meaning for me. But if not, as was the case was today, I pulled the second card right away to help me see more clearly the message, as one card helps inform the other.
Earth and The Blade from Mystical Shaman Oracle
Both cards I pulled upside down, which in this case means for this particular deck, that it is the medicine of the card which “tells you the aspect or area of your life or relationships that you need to bring into balance or repair.”
I’ll share the booklets meaning below for each card, but first share its meaning as how I saw it for myself.
My Interpretation
Inwardly, I’d been grumbling to myself that this snow and having to shovel, which shouldn’t even be here in the first place because it is April (for crying out loud!), was throwing off my morning routine, which I cherish dearly. In other words, yup, I don’t like change too much (but then who does?). And because I only wanted to do what I enjoy, like my yoga, my journaling, and then my writing and blogging for the day, etc. this seemed like a huge inconvenience. I was making so much more out of it than needed to be!
But as I mentioned, as I shoveled, I reflected on the beauty of the snow from last night. How I felt joy in watching the birds flitting about and making delicate patterns in the fresh snow, and taking photos, which I enjoy too. Not to mention that I have a warm, cozy home to keep me from the elements.
The Earth…or Mother Nature….no matter what is happening outside my window…it’s all a gift. A chance to see the beauty in all of it.
My focus for the day then is to remember that I always have a choice in my attitude. The Blade card showed me that we can either inflict pain (struggle) on ourselves with negative thoughts, or we can use the blade to empower ourselves. I pictured that blade on the end of my shovel, helping me to move the snow as a powerful tool, that brought me to this physical space of my writing cottage. But more importantly as a way of cutting away the negativity so I could enjoy the day as it is.
Booklet Meaning
The Essence: “Earth represents the gift of life. The symbol on this card refers to the body of the planet Earth, the human body, and Nature herself. We’re reminded by this symbol that all creatures are born of the Earth and human beings are the stewards of all life on this planet. It refers to what we make of it: our health, wealth, security, grounding, solidity, and stability. It reminds us that the world of form is a gift from Spirit and needs to be treated with respect.”
The Medicine: “Do you feel ungrounded or easily thrown of your path lately? It is time to focus on what nurtures you, to open yourself to the healing of Mother Earth and see the abundant world around you. Perhaps you have lost the ability to trust that your needs will be met and have fallen prey to poverty consciousness. Perhaps you have not been eating well, been overworked or stressed, and forgotten to breathe in the beauty of your surroundings. When the spirit of Earth comes as your medicine, you’re being reminded that when you practice self-care, take a walk in nature, and focus on consciousness of abundance, miracles can and do happen.”
The Essence: “The blade represents sharpness of the mind, body and spirit. Pointing upward, it summons the power of heaven. When aimed down to the ground, it anchors the power of heavens on Earth. The blade can be a healing tool or a weapon. Wield it wisely, and it will transmit power, bestow initiations, cut energetic cords from the past, or sever toxic relationships. Use it with anger, and it will slash, stab, and kill.”
The Medicine: “It’s time to put down the sword and place in back in its scabbard. Do not offer your blade in service to toxic emotions! You will be faced with an even more disagreeable future wit the people or situations you are attempting to banish. Put the blade to rest until your inner fire has mellowed. Then use your blade with impeccable intention to cut the energetic cords that are tying you to the drama at hand. Set yourself free!”
Note: There is also an Invitation message with this deck, but since I pulled both cards in reverse, I just shared the medicine message of each. You can always check out getting this deck if you want to know more or try it out here.
So there you have it. Eggs and snow – oh well – it is what it is and I’ve changed my attitude…and if all else fails I hear the echoes of what my dear mama always says…”this too shall pass.” 🙂
Happy Wednesday to you!
Just a note: I’m not an affiliate of the oracle cards I mention. I just share products I enjoy and find valuable.