no place like home

No Place Like Home

No Place Like Home

As I continue to be a mentor for Oracle School, working with students in the classroom I’m assigned to, along with three other mentors, we take turns posting a question for the students to ponder to work with their oracle cards to gain deeper perspectives about their lives.

I loved today’s question from the Lead Mentor: If you could be any Wisdom of the Oracle Card, which one would you be and why?

One of my favorite cards from the Wisdom of the Oracle deck is No Place Like Home. I couldn’t help think of this one as I celebrate 34 years of marriage with John today, and it was this week five years ago that we also welcomed Gidget into our lives.

Home is my sanctuary. Being my zodiac sign is cancer and to boot my moon sign in cancer also, it can sometimes feel like a double whammy as cancer people tend to be quite sensitive. It’s something I’ve worked hard  to understand about myself and accepting that being empathetic is a gift, though at times it has felt like a curse.

And it is my home that has always been my soft place to land when life can feel sad or cruel. It’s one of my values that I hold deeply close to my heart. And my relationship with John which continues to expand and deepen in ways I would have never imagined when we met almost 40 years ago. 

The card I’d most like to continue to work on is Come to the Edge. I think of this one reflecting on the past year and how I was brought to the edge in a way I’d not expected. While it was a scary and fearful time for me earlier this year, it was coming to the edge to understand what it was about that I was granted another pivotal teaching. From that experience my sense of gratitude about life deepened once again.

I want to remember that when something is causing me angst that it’s an invitation to make a course correction in my life. It’s a signal to experience more freedom if I will just take the leap and dance with the unknown.

And how intriguing it is to me to just realize as I write this (an epiphany!) how beautiful Come to the Edge and No Place Like Home work together…

For when I am able to embrace that edge, dance with it, and discover the lessons within it, that I find my way back home again to peace and love.

Now that is magical!

