oracle cards

Personal Animal Oracle Guide for the Week. Come Pick Your Card and Hear the Message.

The world is full of symbology that supports, guides and comforts us. My father-in-law’s ashes now rest in a mausoleum and his dedicated space is on the end next to a large half-moon window with a view of pine trees. Within moments of my father-in-law’s ashes being placed inside, one on my sister-in-law’s exclaimed, “Did you just see the cardinal fly from the tree?” 

A red cardinal is often associated with representing that a deceased loved one is visiting you. My father-in-law loved birds. Their yard is evident of this with the many feeders and berms to support a loving and nurturing environment for many varieties of birds to thrive.

I found it also interesting that on Thursday, five days after he passed, I saw a cardinal in our dwarf lilac tree. The following day I saw it again on our deck railing. Then driving home from the grocery store that same day, I saw one fly across the road in front of me. Before this, I’d not seen one since the summer.

I so appreciate how we are being supported in these beautiful ways and it brings so much comfort.

Ok, onto the reading for the week! Similar to last week, I’ve picked two cards. Pick one (left) or two (right) from The Ark Animal Tarot and Oracle photo above. After you’ve made your choice of card one or two, click below on the choice you made to hear the message from your animal guide for the week.

As always, if you wish to explore deeper with a challenge you dealing with, I’m happy to help with my one-to-one oracle guidance sessions.





A Little Something Different Today for Some Oracle Guidance

A little something different today as my energy isn’t there to do a recorded reading on Youtube like I’d normally do. If you’d like you can pick card one, two or three (left to right) from the photo above. Take a moment to look at the cards, take a deep breath, and then choose which one speaks to you first. The card you chose will be your specific message for the week. Once you’ve chosen the card, just scroll down for the reveal and the message…
















Card 1 (left) The Fates #17

What area of your life are you resisting against what is? The Fates in protection (reverse) asks you to look at this and surrender to that which you cannot change. While there are certain things we can control, like how we choose our attitude moving through something that feels challenging, we also have to accept that some things or situations are destined to play out as they are meant to. The sooner you can surrender into this, the sooner you will experience more peace.

Card 2 (middle) A Change in the Wind #12

You are either sensing a shift or know that change is on the way, but you may feel uncertain of what it is exactly all about or how it will all shake out. This can leave you feeling shaky or on uneasy ground. The Zebra invites you to be in the space of the unknown and that things aren’t always black and white, but to trust that this feeling of imminent change will result in something that will serve a higher purpose, even though it may not feel this way in the moment. The one thing we do know is constant is in fact, change. Learning to accept this can guide us to flow with more ease during times of uncertainty.

Card 3 (right) Orphaned #5

Orphaned in protection (reverse) asks you to look at where are you perhaps isolating yourself? Where is it you are feeling challenged to show up as who you authentically are but are afraid to do so out of fear of abandonment, rejection or judgment? When we are in fear, which can feel very real, our perspective can be that we either feel all alone or that we will be left alone. But orphaned in protection is encouraging you to step into who you are, even when afraid, and most importantly, to not abandon yourself. It begins with you – taking that first step – and when you can recognize this, you can then begin to shift those unwanted patterns of fear. As you begin to do this you will start to notice how the universe supports you and those you truly connect with will begin to show up in your life.

If you’d like to go deeper and explore more about a challenge you are working through I’d be honored to support you. You can learn more about my one-to-one oracle guidance sessions here.



Cards used: Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid