oracle of the birds

Oracle of the Birds Review – Come Enjoy the Soft Welcoming Images & Meaningful Messages

I have something special to share with you today. I was asked by Inner Traditions Publishing if I’d like to review a new oracle deck they’ve just published called, Oracle of the Birds. It was with an enthusiastic response that I said, Yes!

I’m so happy to have this gorgeous deck added to my collection! Below I share a review (and a reading) of the deck that I hope you will enjoy. And as the natural world often does, it shows up with support and confirmation at just the right time as you will see in the video.  🙂

Click here or below to watch…




October 2023 Animal Wisdom Reading: Time to Go and Embrace Harmony

This month, I first chose a card from the Wisdom of the Oracle asking what our theme for the month is. It is Time to Go. What is it we need to let go of in order to be the best versions of ourselves? Something has to go. What will that be for you?

Then I chose one card from my deck as our animal guide and one card from a new deck I was asked to review, Oracle of the Birds. I’ll do another video in the near future sharing my review of this beautiful deck!

I hope you find the reading beneficial and as always, grab a favorite deck you like and pick a card to add another layer of personal insight just for you asking what it is you need to let go of at this time.

Click here or on video below to catch this month’s reading!

